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March process post #18

Closed mapsam closed 9 years ago

mapsam commented 9 years ago

Starting the thread about the march post. @esmithayer put together a great first draft!

mapsam commented 9 years ago

I've put together photos for most of the prompts in your first draft, @esmithayer. Here they are:

[header photo: giant wall of post-its/drawings/etc]


[pictures of some sketches, maybe with the pencil->ink steps and/or post-its on them]


[picture of sketch of patient gathering documents] 


[gif of resource list autocomplete]


I don't have a photo for this one though!

[picture of one of the How Might We brainstorms.  Or maybe some of those brainstorm prompt cards we got could be cool too?]

I also added an extra <aside> photo for the financial screening of some post-its. Just a little extra: screen shot 2015-04-08 at 11 43 57 am

mapsam commented 9 years ago

Confirmed that we will use this image:


bengolder commented 9 years ago

I didn't notice that we were including the How Might We exercise until just now. I left a comment about it on the blog google doc. Not sure that this is the best topic and picture to include about process unless we give a bit more context.

bengolder commented 9 years ago

I should also note that I have quite a few pictures of the sketching process if you need any more.

mapsam commented 9 years ago

If you have any photos that you think would best replace any of the above definitely send them my way!

esmithayer commented 9 years ago

I was planning to use the "feedback on police interactions" photo when I wrote the post. Was that from Team Indy or Vallejo? I think this screening culture one would be a little misleading--it's not really what we've been focusing on.

mapsam commented 9 years ago

Terrific. In terms of using an actual pathway to replace the [pictures of some sketches, maybe with the pencil->ink steps and/or post-its on them] photo, here's an example of them in a "storyboard" format. Any thoughts on doing something like this? Note: the actual pathway can be different, just grabbed images for the sake of example.


mapsam commented 9 years ago

Alright, with a new photo from Ben this morning here's the updated full-width image:

screen shot 2015-04-15 at 6 35 31 pm