This is an objectively silly metaissue, but I need to walk home and this will let me save my place for later.
The following "tasks" in the Wiki need to be moved to issues:
Open Tasks
How do we find data for jurisdictions like Boston/Lawrence that are excluded from the CrimeSolv and FBI NIBRS data? For Boston (and BPS, state and MBTA police) we can get incident level data direct from the agency. (ask Sana)
Combine FBI NIBRS dataset above with incident data collected for Boston, MBTA etc and run a similar analysis to here.
Once the above research topics are marked by number of individuals impacted, focus on all those impacting > 10k.
Active Tasks
Document NDOCH code and check them into Github repo
Summarize NDOCH assumptions and takeaways and identify areas where assumptions are weak and need further analysis.
Assumptions - NIBRS
Only 2018
Doesn’t cover all jurisdictions but included Boston + Lawrence
Historical data is missing Boston / Lawrence
Translate assumptions to action items
Fill in the Expungeable, Penalty Type, untruncated crime name columns in policy-cjj spreadsheet based on values in master crime list.
Investigate whether there is an identifier in NIBRS for individuals?
Get instance-level data for MA that includes Boston, Lawrence, and other jurisdictions that are not included in NIBRS dataset.
Address other items under research topics, open tasks, etc. above
Issues then should be added to the project board, given labels (especially for parent vs action item, coding vs non, and priority tagging), and maybe even completed
This is an objectively silly metaissue, but I need to walk home and this will let me save my place for later.
The following "tasks" in the Wiki need to be moved to issues:
Open Tasks
Active Tasks
Assumptions - NIBRS
Issues then should be added to the project board, given labels (especially for parent vs action item, coding vs non, and priority tagging), and maybe even completed