We need to validate our assumption that the PA data maps to MA crime rates. Action items for this include:
Determine if we have enough PA data to draw meaningful insights.
Perform an exploratory data analysis of the parsed PA data and determine whether the rates of crime are at the same rate as those reported at the summary level by the FBI; since, the basis of using PA data as a proxy for MA data is that the two states have comparable rates of crime per capita.
If they are not, can we downsample such that they are representative?
Do we have similar rates under 21 as Massachusetts?
How do we determine whether someone only had one conviction if the summary files are cumulative?
Look at the dataset as of now and work backwards?
Validate the following assumptions about our dataset:
Only 2018
The data used is a random sampling of the entire data set. Unclear whether it has the same crime rates as disclosed by the FBI
Only Court of Common Pleas — is that a problem?
Crude mapping of PA crimes to MA expungeable list
This is a parent issue for a large, persistent task. Child issues will be linked here as created and closed.
We need to validate our assumption that the PA data maps to MA crime rates. Action items for this include:
This is a parent issue for a large, persistent task. Child issues will be linked here as created and closed.