codeforboston / home-energy-analysis-tool
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Create DB schema for persistent data #124

Open taiphuong1 opened 6 months ago

taiphuong1 commented 6 months ago

-- Edited by group on Dec 26 to harmonize HOME and HeatingLoadAnalysis here, with rules engine and spreadsheet

Note: This table represent a single location (ie. a house)

Create table LOCATION 
location_id (Primary Key)
address_2 -- (need address line 2?)

Note: This is the main table for each case, referencing a location associate with the location_id FK


Create table HOME
home_id (Primary Key)
location_id (Foreign Key)
living_area --(sq ft)
design_temperature  --(get set by choosing weather station)
fuel_type_secondary -- (After v1.0 only)
heating_system_efficiency -- (%)
heating_system_efficiency_secondary -- (After v1.0 only)
setback_time -- (hrs) -- Note that rules_engine uses `setback_hours_per_day`
non_heating_usage -- (fuel type unit / day), double check: !B16 / !B15
      -- fuel oil this is an input, otherwise ...
      --     only used for override. For Beta 2. 
      --     On spreadsheet shown as  "Other Fuel Usage".
raw_energy_use_data -- blob csv of natural gas, may not have for OilPropane, etc. 
Create Table HeatingLoadAnalysis -- aka SummaryOutput from RulesEngine
version_rules_engine -- commit sha format
balance_point_initial -- currently 60 on rules engine.
balance_point -- (Tbp) -- In RulesEngine final is `estimated_balance_point`, 60 is the initial guess?
other_fuel_usage -- (therms/day) calculated -- NOTE: For fuel oil this is an input, for natural gas is an output.
average_indoor_temperature -- (T-indoors)
// difference_between_ti_and_tbp -- (calculated T-indoors - Tbp), Tai had suggested Difference_ti_tbp -- This probably does not belong in the database, it is just a subtraction. Do not store.
whole_home_heat_loss_rate -- Tai had suggested: Whole_home_ua
standard_deviation_of_heat_loss_rate: -- tai had suggested: Standard_deviation_ua

Note: This table holds the data for usage csv for each case referencing the case_id FK

Create table ENERGY_USE_PERIOD -- was FUEL_USAGE (load from usage csv)
home_id (Foreign Key)
-- each home has one fuel type which determines what usage unit means.
usage_quantity -- (floating point : code should know therms OR gallons OR kWh )
included_automatically -- bool / was Inclusion -- (Y/N)
exclusion_manually -- bool
inclusion_manually -- bool / was Inclusion_override -- possibility for nullable enum?
alanisaac commented 6 months ago is where our schema is, you can get a flavor for some of the language we use for the fields in the excel sheet. is a free, neat tool to create database diagrams if that might help folks visualize the proposed schema.

jkoren commented 6 months ago

@alanisaac this is helpful. It looks like we have been working on similar ideas. It will be helpful to coordinate. We can standardize on your names, if preferred. The idea of the schema is just for data to be persisted now. We can add calculated data (for example the number of days between 2 dates) later. I tried the tool - its nice. Here is a diagram I put together. The premise is that there could be multiple cases for the same location. The fuel usage table is to reflect the monthly usage readings from the energy bill. This is a starting point - so open for revision and discussion. HEAT Calculator

jkoren commented 6 months ago

It's nice that the tool creates SQL too.

baipai commented 6 months ago

I don't think we need a phone number, or maybe I'm wrong. @stevebreit

jkoren commented 6 months ago

In ENERGY_USE_PERIOD we can probably avoid persisting usage_days as that is just end_date - start_date

jkoren commented 6 months ago

I am not clear what these fields in ENERGY_USE_PERIOD represent:


standard_deviation_of_heat_loss_rate is better than Standard_deviation_ua and standard_deviation_of_heat_loss_rate is better thanStandard_deviation_ua

thadk commented 6 months ago

Energy Use Parent Class => Delivery Period Subclass (date of delivery and quantity) => Billing Period Subclass (start/number of days, end, and quantity)

thadk commented 6 months ago

Michelle's Beta 1 (and always): Export data format that can be re-ingested again

Notes from Javascript team breakout about where we're at on this issue: Jeff's Posed Goal for this moment/persistence team:

Rules engine has it's ideas.


thadk commented 6 months ago

heat-stack/_heat ~~~~> / (e.g. Terms and Conditions) All homes /all-homes heat-stack/_Home ~~~~>/home/1245/*

My page /me

alanisaac commented 5 months ago

Rules engine has its ideas.

When we discussed this last week, I wanted to put together a proposal that maps to what we have in the rules engine. I haven't had a ton of time, but I thought I'd spend part of today's session putting that proposal together. Here it is in DBML.


Table case {
  id integer [primary key]
  home_id integer [ref: >]
  created_at timestamp 
  last_updated_on timestamp
  first_name varchar
  last_name varchar
  // case worker info?

Table location {
  id integer [primary key]
  address varchar
  address_line_2 varchar
  city varchar
  state varchar
  zip varchar
  country varchar

Table home {
  id integer [primary key]
  location_id integer [ref: >]
  // summary inputs
  living_area float
  fuel_type integer
  design_temperature_override float
  heating_system_efficiency float
  thermostat_set_point float
  setback_temperature float
  setback_hours_per_day float
  // domestic hot water inputs
  number_of_occupants integer
  estimated_water_heating_efficiency float
  stand_by_losses float

Table heat_load_analysis {
  id integer [primary key]
  home_id integer [ref: >]
  rules_engine_version varchar
  estimated_balance_point float
  other_fuel_usage float
  average_indoor_temperature float
  difference_between_ti_and_tbp float
  design_temperature float
  whole_home_heat_loss_rate float
  standard_deviation_of_heat_loss_rate float
  average_heat_load float
  maximum_heat_load float

Table natural_gas_bill {
  id integer [primary key]
  case_id integer [ref: >]
  provider varchar

Table natural_gas_bill_records {
  natural_gas_bill_id integer [ref: >]
  period_start_date datetime
  period_end_date datetime
  usage_therms float
  inclusion_override integer

Table oil_propane_bill {
  id integer [primary key]
  case_id integer [ref: >]
  provider varchar
  preceding_delivery_date datetime

Table oil_propane_bill_records {
  oil_propane_bill_id integer [ref: >]
  period_end_date datetime
  gallons float
  inclusion_override boolean


McCambley commented 1 week ago

Next steps