codeforboston / home-energy-analysis-tool
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Start adding case routes #125

Closed thadk closed 6 months ago

thadk commented 6 months ago

This PR it keeps the root.tsx as we had it but adds an <Outlet/> so it shows:

Because <CaseSummary/> was retained on root.tsx for now, it always displays. I believe @jkoren has a revision that moves that to a subroute which will be done after this one.

See also:

remix-flat-routes File system routing conventions (full doc link)

filename convention behavior
privacy.jsx filename normal route
pages.tos.jsx dot with no layout normal route, "." -> "/"
about.jsx filename with children parent layout route dot child route of layout
about.index.jsx index filename index route of layout trailing underscore url segment, no layout
_auth.jsx leading underscore layout nesting, no url segment
_auth.login.jsx leading underscore child of pathless layout route
users.$userId.jsx leading $ URL param
docs.$.jsx bare $ splat route
dashboard.route.jsx route suffix optional, ignored completely
investors/[index].jsx brackets escapes conventional characters

Routes folder in this early PR version:

```bash ➜ tree heat-stack/app/routes heat-stack/app/routes ├── $.tsx # splat route: if no other routes match, this one will ├── _auth+ #route as /... ; leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── auth.$provider.callback.test.ts │   ├── auth.$provider.callback.ts │   ├── auth.$provider.ts │   ├── forgot-password.tsx │   ├── login.tsx # route as /login │   ├── logout.tsx │   ├── onboarding.tsx │   ├── onboarding_.$provider.tsx │   ├── reset-password.tsx │   ├── signup.tsx # route as /signup │   └── verify.tsx ├── _heat+ #route as /... ; leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── CaseSummary.tsx # route as /casesummary │   └── index.tsx # show in for / ├── _marketing+ #route as /... ; leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── about.tsx # route as /about components appear in on root.tsx │   ├── index.tsx # this appears in on root.tsx when at / │   ├── logos # svg's, no code │   ├── privacy.tsx │   ├── support.tsx │   └── tos.tsx ├── _seo+ #leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── robots[.]txt.ts │   └── sitemap[.]xml.ts ├── admin+ #route all like /admin/... because remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── cache.tsx │   ├── cache_.lru.$cacheKey.ts │   ├── cache_.sqlite.$cacheKey.ts │   └── cache_.sqlite.tsx ├── cases+ # routes as /cases/... because remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── $analysisid.tsx # routes as /cases/123 │   ├── case_summaries+ │   │   └── $summaryid_+ │   │   └── index.tsx # routes as /cases/case_summaries/123/ (not sure?) │   └── index.tsx ├── me.tsx # routes like `/me` and code does redirect(`/users/${user.username}`) ├── resources+ #route contents like /resources/... because remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── download-user-data.tsx │   ├── healthcheck.tsx │   ├── note-images.$imageId.tsx │   └── user-images.$imageId.tsx ├── settings+ #route contents like /settings/... because remix-flat-routes converts +/ to . │   ├── profile.change-email.tsx # routes like /settings/profile/change-email │   ├── profile.connections.tsx │   ├── profile.index.tsx # /settings/profile (we can call this profile's index route—will be surrounded by profile.tsx layout) │   ├── profile.password.tsx │   ├── profile.password_.create.tsx │   ├── │   ├── profile.tsx # /settings/profile (we can call this a layout—it has │   ├── profile.two-factor.disable.tsx # routes like /settings/two-factor/disable │   ├── profile.two-factor.index.tsx │   ├── profile.two-factor.tsx │   └── profile.two-factor.verify.tsx └── users+ #route contents like /users/ ├── $username.test.tsx # is a test, not routed? ├── $username.tsx ├── $username_+ #routes like /users/kody/... │   ├── __note-editor.tsx │   ├── notes.$noteId.tsx │   ├── notes.$noteId_.edit.tsx # routes like /users/kody/notes/123/edit │   ├── notes.index.tsx # routes like /users/kody/notes │   ├── │   └── notes.tsx # routes like /users/kody/notes └── index.tsx ```

➜ tree heat-stack/app/routes
├── $.tsx # splat route: if no other routes match, this one will
├── _auth+ #route as /...   ; leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; converts +/ to .
│   ├── auth.$provider.callback.test.ts
│   ├── auth.$provider.callback.ts
│   ├── auth.$provider.ts
│   ├── forgot-password.tsx
│   ├── login.tsx # route as /login
│   ├── logout.tsx
│   ├── onboarding.tsx
│   ├── onboarding_.$provider.tsx
│   ├── reset-password.tsx
│   ├── signup.tsx # route as /signup
│   └── verify.tsx # route as /verify
├── _heat+  #route as /...   ; leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; converts +/ to . 
│   ├── CaseSummary.tsx # route as /casesummary
│   └── index.tsx # show in  for /
├── _marketing+ #route as /...  ; leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; converts +/ to .
│   ├── about.tsx # route as /about components appear in  on root.tsx
│   ├── epicstack.tsx # this appears in  on root.tsx for /signup
│   ├── logos # svg's, no code
│   ├── privacy.tsx
│   ├── support.tsx
│   └── tos.tsx
├── _seo+ #leading _ means layout nesting, no url segment; converts +/ to .
│   ├── robots[.]txt.ts /robots.txt
│   └── sitemap[.]xml.ts /sitemap.xml
├── admin+ #route all like /admin/... because converts +/ to .
│   ├── cache.tsx /admin/cache
│   ├── cache_.lru.$cacheKey.ts
│   ├── cache_.sqlite.$cacheKey.ts
│   └── cache_.sqlite.tsx
├── cases+ # routes as /cases/... because converts +/ to . /cases
│   ├── $analysisid.tsx # routes as /cases/123 /cases/123
│   ├── case_summaries+  
│   │   └── $summaryid_+
│   │       └── index.tsx # routes as /cases/case_summaries/123/ (not sure?) /cases/case_summaries/123
│   └── index.tsx
├── me.tsx # routes like `/me` and code does redirect(`/users/${user.username}`) a href="">/me
├── resources+ #route contents like /resources/...  because remix-flat-routes converts +/ to .
│   ├── download-user-data.tsx /resources/download-user-data
│   ├── healthcheck.tsx /resources/healthcheck
│   ├── note-images.$imageId.tsx
│   └── user-images.$imageId.tsx
├── settings+ #route contents like /settings/... because remix-flat-routes converts +/ to .
│   ├── profile.change-email.tsx # routes like /settings/profile/change-email
│   ├── profile.connections.tsx
│   ├── profile.index.tsx # /settings/profile/ (we can call this profile's index route—will be surrounded by profile.tsx layout)
│   ├── profile.password.tsx
│   ├── profile.password_.create.tsx
│   ├──
│   ├── profile.tsx # /settings/profile/ (we can call this a layout—it has 
│   ├── profile.two-factor.disable.tsx # routes like /settings/two-factor/disable
│   ├── profile.two-factor.index.tsx
│   ├── profile.two-factor.tsx
│   └── profile.two-factor.verify.tsx
└── users+ #route contents like /users/
    ├── $username.test.tsx # is a test, not routed?
    ├── $username.tsx 
    ├── $username_+ #routes like /users/kody/....
    │   ├── __note-editor.tsx
    │   ├── notes.$noteId.tsx
    │   ├── notes.$noteId_.edit.tsx # routes like /users/kody/notes/123/edit
    │   ├── notes.index.tsx # routes like /users/kody/notes (we can call this profile's index route—will be surrounded by profile.tsx layout)
    │   ├──
    │   └── notes.tsx # routes like /users/kody/notes (we can call this a layout—it has 
    └── index.tsx