Windfall Elimination Provision Awareness Project: improving the experience of retirees around an obscure Social Security rule affecting 8+ states (previously
Line 7 - backwards projects is not supported by piaFormat. Piaformat should output a warning whenever this line is specified:
Line 7 - piaformat - serializeLine 7 piaFormat - deserialize
Suggest adding
if (line7Data != {}) {
console.warn("Line 7 (backwards projections) is not supported by pia-format");
Line 7 - backwards projects is not supported by piaFormat. Piaformat should output a warning whenever this line is specified: Line 7 - piaformat - serialize Line 7 piaFormat - deserialize Suggest adding if (line7Data != {}) { console.warn("Line 7 (backwards projections) is not supported by pia-format");