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New powerups suggested by @jleake #121

Open zackster opened 4 years ago

zackster commented 4 years ago

It would be cool if the odds for each powerup to be awarded were randomized each game. Maybe before the game you roll 1-1000 for each powerup and create a range like the leaderboard you roll against when awarding one. The new weighted odds aren't disclosed, and the result is that each game will have a unique 'texture' as certain powerups become common/rare.

All that said, here's some new powerup ideas:

New powerup type: RULES. Rules are powerups that apply a persistent effect to the game. Rules remain in effect until they are canceled or replaced by another powerup, or the game ends. Only one rule can be in effect at any time, playing a new rule replaces the current rule.

krypt0s commented 4 years ago

emoji for these: Smoke Bomb => :dash: Hyperinflation => :chart_with_upwards_trend: Robin Hood => :bow_and_arrow: Confusion => :confounded: Trade-In => :currency_exchange: We Don't Serve Your Kind Here => :robot_face: EMP => :battery: Booby Trap => :skull_and_crossbones: Doppleganger => :man-gesturing-no:

Banhammer => :hammer: Run It Twice => :v: Fog of War => :fog: Cold War => :thermometer: