codeforcauseorg / causefolio

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Features: connect causefolio to other accounts so that it keeps track of other activities #40

Open su-yash-7 opened 3 years ago

su-yash-7 commented 3 years ago

connect causefolio to other accounts like github that it keeps track of contribution activities and competitive coding platforms like codechef codeforces.

Subhangini commented 3 years ago

Hey I would like to work on this issue. Actually i am a beginner and want to learn react can i work on this issue?

Albert-Jokelin commented 3 years ago

Hey! Can I work on this issue. I'm learning React rn and am open to working with others.

PrashubhAtri commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have some experience in react and am looking for projects to work on, Can i take this issue up?

mohitgupta1539 commented 3 years ago

Hey i would like to work on this issue

oneknucklehead commented 3 years ago

Hey there! I'd like to work on this issue. Can I be assigned to this?