codeforcauseorg / edu-client

Product focuses on 100% education as well as upskilling developing countries and rural areas.
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the elements of the footer are now redirecting to the respective page for … #409

Open Sarthak-06 opened 2 years ago

Sarthak-06 commented 2 years ago

…ex if we click instagram icon it will open a instagram page in a new tab


fixes #

Describe the changes you've made I have added links to all social media icons like instagram, twitter, youtube and github. I have used react-icons. For that i installed it by adding command npm install react-icons --save then i wrapped the code within IconButton. I have deleted the code that used map and icon list to display those social media icons.

Describe if there is any unusual behavior (Any Warning) of your code(Write NA if there isn't) I also got some warning like Line 55:28: Replace ·href=""·target="_blank"·aria-label="Twitter" with ␍⏎··················href=""␍⏎··················target="_blank"␍⏎··················aria-label="Twitter"␍⏎················

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A good test plan should give instructions that someone else can easily follow.


Provide a Deployed link of route/page that needs to review Preview: Deploy preview link here with the appropriate route