codefordenver / sol-cavp

The project management repo for getting stuff done for CAVP
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Safety Plan #53

Closed hasuf closed 9 years ago

hasuf commented 9 years ago

Data required:

Information returned

(Create an HTML container for resources?)

karenderrickdavis commented 9 years ago

Safety plan Tool

Should: volunteer/user-customizable (maintainable by volunteers)

Diagramming tool → ?? (XML?) → code/hosted or embeddable app → generate artifact; pdf? url? webpage?

Decision tree opensource

Yahoo Pipes Freemind Research current options build v. use?

Does it generate a form?

People make their own website with a decision tree.

prototype with gDraw or other free tool

need some initial model of existing tree

dkoloditch commented 9 years ago

some helpful references/resources:

dkoloditch commented 9 years ago

see #51

karenderrickdavis commented 9 years ago

Not applicable, anymore.