codefordurham / BikeSafety

Show common areas of bike accidents to help prevent future accidents
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Determine integration strategy with Raleigh project. #30

Open dsummersl opened 9 years ago

dsummersl commented 9 years ago

The Raleigh project is attempting to make a biker centric app. I talked with John on Saturday at Datapalooza about how we could integrate out two apps together. we gonna do that?

General idea discussed: we provide their app with some data of NCDOT and user contributed accidents, and the provide us which the path type data that they are working on.

dsummersl commented 9 years ago

I think this is their project:

@jjweis is definitely a member/pointman.

jjweis commented 9 years ago

Thanks Dane, that's me. I would like to get a call with you all in the next week or so to prioritize what features we should focus on and how to share code bases. We ultimately want safer streets for cyclists, so let's get there together.

--Ride On

dsummersl commented 9 years ago

Sounds great, be in touch (fwiw I will be out of town next week - maybe @docmarionum1 can talk with you a bit next week with the team tho).