The goal of the get_nearest_library function is to return name, address and phone number of nearest durham public library branch to the user's address.
#############STARTER CODE##########################
def get_library_info (street_address, zip, lat, lon):
arguments received will be the user's street address and zip code in string format, followed by latitude and longitude in float format.
return variables should be in string format and in a dict/key value pair
user address will be verified prior to being passed to the function
completed code can be added here or in a page named get_nearest_library in the python or javascript branch
The starter code above is for Python but feel free to use Javascript instead
The goal of the get_nearest_library function is to return name, address and phone number of nearest durham public library branch to the user's address.
#############STARTER CODE########################## def get_library_info (street_address, zip, lat, lon):
Thanks for working on StreetWise!