codeforhuntsville / Frontier

A civic app for finding whats near me
MIT License
9 stars 7 forks source link

enhance README with details about project #9

Closed chadxz closed 9 years ago

chadxz commented 9 years ago

The README needs more details about quite a few pieces of the project:

It may be better if some of these topics had wiki articles instead of just living in the README, so that should be done if it makes sense.

chadxz commented 9 years ago

For the Google places api key: You have to create a project on Google Developers Console and enable Google Places Web Services API access, then generate a public API access key. Afterwards, run the app with the key in your environment like this:

GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY=your_key npm start
chadxz commented 9 years ago

23 pretty much covers the important bits of this. Closing this ticket