codefori / vscode-ibmi

🌍 IBM i development extension for VS Code
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Erroneous (?) message in debugger #2117

Closed JonFP closed 1 week ago

JonFP commented 2 weeks ago

Context menu on conditional breakpoint indicates that the type of breakpoint being used is not supported - but it works!

Context Version
Code for IBM i version 2.10.1
Visual Studio Code version 1.90.1
Operating System darwin_x64
Active extensions ``` CL (vscode-clle): 1.1.6 COBOL (cobol): 10.6.11 Code for IBM i Walkthroughs (vscode-ibmi-walkthroughs): 0.5.0 Db2 for IBM i (vscode-db2i): 1.0.0 Emmet (emmet): 1.0.0 Error Lens (errorlens): 3.18.0 Extension Authoring (extension-editing): 1.0.0 Git (git): 1.0.0 Git Base (git-base): 1.0.0 GitHub (github): 0.0.1 IBM i Debug (ibmidebug): 1.0.0 IBM i Renderer (vscode-displayfile): 0.1.2 JSON Language Features (json-language-features): 1.0.0 Markdown Language Features (markdown-language-features): 1.0.0 Markdown Math (markdown-math): 1.0.0 Merge Conflict (merge-conflict): 1.0.0 NPM support for VS Code (npm): 1.0.1 Node Debug Auto-attach (debug-auto-launch): 1.0.0 RPGLE (vscode-rpgle): 0.26.6 Server Ready Action (debug-server-ready): 1.0.0 TODO Highlight (vscode-todo-highlight): 1.0.5 TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features (typescript-language-features): 1.0.0 ```

Remote system |Setting|Value| |-|-| |IBM i OS|V7R4M0| |Tech Refresh|9| |CCSID Origin|system| |Runtime CCSID|37| |Default CCSID|37| |SQL|Enabled |Source dates|Disabled ### Enabled features |/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin|/usr/bin|/QSYS.lib/ILEDITOR.lib||/QSYS.LIB|/QIBM/ProdData/IBMiDebugService/bin| |-|-|-|-|-|-| |bash|attr|GETNEWLIBL.PGM|ILEDITOR.GETMBRINFO|QZDFMDB2.PGM|| |chsh|iconv||||| |git|setccsid||||| |grep|tar||||| |ls|||||| |md5sum|||||| |sort|||||| |stat|||||| |tn5250||||||
Shell env ```bash BUILDLIB=PARTNER400 CURLIB=PARTNER400 HOME=/home/PARIS HOST=ideveloper LIBLS=SAMPLE LIBHTTP SIDDBV2 YAJL QTEMP QGPL LOGIN=paris LOGNAME=paris MAIL=/var/spool/mail/paris OLDPWD=/home/PARIS PATH=/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:/QOpenSys/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/QOpenSys/usr/bin/X11:/usr/sbin:.:/usr/bin PWD=/home/PARIS SHELL=/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash SHLVL=1 SSH_CLIENT= 49285 22 SSH_CONNECTION= 49285 22 TZ=5,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 USER=paris USERNAME=paris WORKDIR=/home/PARIS _=/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/env ```
Variants ```json { "american": "#@$", "local": "#@$" } ```
Errors ```json [ { "command": "/QOpenSys/usr/bin/qsh", "code": 1, "stderr": "CPF9801: Object QCPTOIMPF in library QSYS not found.", "cwd": "/home/PARIS" }, { "command": "/QOpenSys/usr/bin/qsh", "code": 1, "stderr": "CPF9801: Object QCPFRMIMPF in library QSYS not found.", "cwd": "/home/PARIS" }, { "command": "/QOpenSys/usr/bin/qsh", "code": 1, "stderr": "CPFA0A9: Object not found. Object is /QSYS.LIB/PARTNER400.LIB/DEMOSRC.FILE/RPGS24.MBR.\nCPFA097: Object not copied. Object is /QSYS.LIB/PARTNER400.LIB/DEMOSRC.FILE/RPGS24.MBR.", "cwd": "/home/PARIS" } ] ``` 2024-06-15_11-41-41
JonFP commented 2 weeks ago

This appears to be a transitory issue as when I went back and tried to demonstrate the error to my con-conspirator it now correctly shows the value of the breakpoint!

It also occurs with a Hit count breakpoint - but the hit breakpoint only worked once and now fails to fire. The text is now stubbornly remaining with the wrong information

JonFP commented 2 weeks ago

Just to add to the frustration - the conditional breakpoints have stopped working completely and are just ignored. Sigh ...

mkwan01 commented 1 week ago

IBM i Debug v2.0.1 was just released. Conditional breakpoints works for me in this release. Hit count breakpoint does not work. The problem is in the base debug service component that IBM i Debug depends on. It will be fixed later and the fix will be included in a future update of IBM i Debug.