codeforkansascity / NDoCH2016

Waffle Hackshop: a board in with cards for each action you should do to kickoff a project.
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Sponsorship Package #24

Open zmon opened 8 years ago

zmon commented 8 years ago

Example of a Brigade Sponsorship Package


Design Files


Work Sheet for a Product

zmon commented 8 years ago

Sponsorship Packages

National Day of Civic Hacking ($3000)

Estimate of expenses includes 100 people in attendance, including space rentals, catering, equipment, tables and chairs, speaker fees, and branding.

Sustaining Projects ($200-$2000)

Although this varies significantly case by case, some projects require hardware, and the use of external software packages.

Code for America Summit ($1000)

Allows a member to attend the Code for America national conference. This year, the conference will be located in Oakland, CA on Nov 2-4.

Community Hackathon ($500+)

A Code for JC hackathon is a digital workshop in which computer programmers, graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, community activists, artists and other interested members of the community collaborate intensively on solving problems facing the community.

Marketing tools ($100-$200)

May include flyers, posters, and t-shirts.

Meetup ($200 for two meetups)

Includes yearly Meetup App fee, space rental, snacks, speaker fees.

Domain & Website hosting ($50)

Websites are made both for the organization and for specific events.

Operational Support ($25+)

It’s a full time job to run the Code for Kansas City program. Our leaders need financial support to run the program smoothly. This includes fundraising, program development, community organizing, forging partnership opportunities, etc.

In-Kind Donations

Gift donations include services, the use of space, and prizes for contests.

Donors at all levels will be recognized on our website. Marquee branding is available for CodeAcross and the National Day of Civic Hacking. Donors are encouraged to attend events and may distribute more information about their organization. All financial donations can be made here (Code for America’s Donation page).
zmon commented 8 years ago


Meetups (Weekly)

Code for Kansas City hosts biweekly meetings to propose and work on projects. Project ideas often come from guest speakers such as tax specialists, representatives from other brigades, and reporters covering issues in city government.

National Day of Civic Hacking (June 2016)

On June 4th, 2016, thousands of people in more than 106 communities across the United States will come together to mark the fourth National Day of Civic

Hacking. This Code for America event, hosted in part by the White House, encourages people to create apps and services using publicly-released data. Together with local governments and community groups, they brainstorm, design, prototype, and create solutions to improve our communities and the governments that serve them.

Open to all students and professionals, NDoCH gives everyone the opportunity to grow and learn – no matter your background or skill. Urbanists, civic hackers, government staff, developers, designers, community organizers and civic advocates have a role to play at our hackathons. The event aims to use the skills of the city’s technology sector to improve residents’ quality of life, but anyone can participate; you don’t have to be an expert in technology, you just have to care about your neighborhood and community.

Code Across (March 2017)

CodeAcross is a national weekend of simultaneous events in the Code for America network of more than 40,000+ volunteers and more than 130+ brigades throughout the US. The goal of the CodeAcross event is to activate the local civic technology network and collaborate with neighbors to develop innovative solutions that help identify and solve real city challenges. Open to all students and professionals, CodeAcross gives everyone the opportunity to grow and learn – no matter their background or skill. Urbanists, civic hackers, government staff, developers, designers, students, community organizers and civic advocates all participate. CodeAcross isn’t just a chance to build websites, visualizations, and other hacks; it’s also an opportunity to build relationships within the community.

Desired Event Outcomes:

• Identify community concerns, examine issues, and prototype solutions that help our communities and make the government more transparent and more safe using public safety and health data

• Continue to power the narrative of Jersey City, the ‘Silicon Backyard’ being the leading modern city in New Jersey.

• Build lasting partnerships between the civic hacker community and the Jersey City Government, City Council Members, Council Nonprofit, Corporate and Educational Institutions

zmon commented 8 years ago

About CodeForKC

CodeForKC is a volunteer group that collaborates with the city government and community partners to build new tools that help with local civic issues. CodeForKC believes in public sector innovation (including civic-tech) and strongly supports digital-government projects (especially involving open data, open source, and open government). CodeForKC is a Code for America Brigade Chapter.

Our volunteers consist of 550+ technologists, data scientists, community advocates, designers, developers, journalists, educators, students, government employees. In order to build an ecosystem that values free and open technologies and processes, we emphasize diversity of thought and background in our operations. CodeForKC meets regularly each week to work on projects and brainstorm on current civic issues and activities around Jersey City.

Target Audiences

Well conceived and solidly implemented technology solutions require input from many perspectives:

About CodeForKC

Partner Organizations


News Coverage

zmon commented 8 years ago

Sprint Accelerator logo

sprint_accelerator_logo no ts

zmon commented 8 years ago

KCMO is a go

We are good to go. Feel free to use the City moniker/logo. Communications asked us to make it clear what the city's role is in the even

Eric R.

zmon commented 8 years ago

Last year's sponsor ship package hackKC-sponsorship2016.pdf