We're working to help neighborhoods help themselves by giving them easy access to useful data to allow them to identify and track problem areas in their neighborhood.
updated the angular dependencies in bower.json so that all angular dependency version match. Uplifted angular to 1.4.9. I did not notice any immediate issues on the FE with the change in angular version.
The only breaking change can be found here. However, I don't think this applies to us since I could not find an instance in the project where we are using a timeout to resolve a promise within a resource call.
updated the angular dependencies in bower.json so that all angular dependency version match. Uplifted angular to 1.4.9. I did not notice any immediate issues on the FE with the change in angular version.
The only breaking change can be found here. However, I don't think this applies to us since I could not find an instance in the project where we are using a timeout to resolve a promise within a resource call.