We're working to help neighborhoods help themselves by giving them easy access to useful data to allow them to identify and track problem areas in their neighborhood.
While we add markers for all of the parcels in the application, this isn't giving a sufficient view of what a vacant parcel is. We need to display the entire parcel to the user when they view it on the map.
For now, a json dataset has been provided that provides all of the coordinates of every parcel to display in KC. We need to import that into the app, and use it to display information to the users.
While we add markers for all of the parcels in the application, this isn't giving a sufficient view of what a vacant parcel is. We need to display the entire parcel to the user when they view it on the map.
For now, a json dataset has been provided that provides all of the coordinates of every parcel to display in KC. We need to import that into the app, and use it to display information to the users.