codeforkansascity / Safe-Assist

MIT License
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partners page #29

Open jmorwick opened 8 years ago

jmorwick commented 8 years ago

All info for the "partners" page is in place. Mention incoming content for this page in comments below.

aertoria commented 8 years ago

Do you know what is laravel-src doing here? Are we still using this php library?

starvagrant commented 8 years ago

Yes, the project is using the php library, and the laravel-src code was working just fine. If you look at the .gitignore file at the root of the project, you'll note that the repository isn't tracking the laravel's libraries (iit's vendor folder). If you pull in the laravel libraries, and alter the .env file for doing local development, the code works just fine.

I feel the README should have been a bit more clear about this. However, perhaps you should have not... say, moved all of the project's working source code into a folder marked "non working" source code? No matter, git shouldn't have to much trouble fixing this.