CREATE TABLE address_spatial.mo_kc_city_neighborhoods (
gid integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(62),
geom geometry(MultiPolygon),
CONSTRAINT pk_kcmo_nhood_gid PRIMARY KEY (gid)
CREATE INDEX idx_mo_kc_city_neighborhoods ON
USING gist(geom);
[X] Delete existing rows
DELETE FROM address_spatial.mo_kc_city_neighborhoods;
[X] Copy tmp table into permanent table
INSERT INTO address_spatial.mo_kc_city_neighborhoods
(gid, name, geom)
SELECT gid, nbhname, geom
FROM address_spatial.kcmo_address_nbhd_tmp;
[x] Test
SELECT name FROM address_spatial.mo_kc_city_neighborhoods
WHERE ST_Intersects( ST_MakePoint( -94.5867908690, 39.0903343205), geom);
[ ] Now update the address in the directory data/KCNeighborhoods
php load.php
Results in
table insert update N/A ERROR
input 0 0 0 0
city_address_attributes 0 97770 101718 0
Number of lines processed 199488
This process used 15741 ms for its computations
It spent 3166 ms in system calls
Run time: 2m 33s
This is based off of Load KC Neighborhood shape file #33 which was the first load that did not include North of the river.
results in
[X] Create permanent table
[X] Copy tmp table into permanent table
[x] Test
Results in