codeforkansascity / addressapi-website

Public website for the Address-API project, to communicate the data that is avaliable, and how to access it.
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Define the testable MVP #10

Open zmon opened 8 years ago

zmon commented 8 years ago

Define a testable Minimum Viable Product

An MVP is the smallest possible increment of your solution that delivers enough value for you to be able to ship it and learn from customers as quickly as possible.

For example, if you were building a device that would automatically pour beer for you, the riskiest assumption might be technical - how do you know how much volume of beer to pour? If you were building AirBnB, the riskiest assumption wouldn't be tech, but instead would be trust - will users rent out a bedroom in their house to a stranger?

This backlog of work can be used in your pitch too, to answer "What's next?"