codeforkansascity / addressapi-website

Public website for the Address-API project, to communicate the data that is avaliable, and how to access it.
MIT License
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What Problem Is Worth Solving? #2

Open zmon opened 8 years ago

zmon commented 8 years ago

Find a problem that's worth solving

A lean canvas is a great way to lay out key components of your business model so you can start testing your assumptions and get to building something customers want as fast as possible.

To create a free digital version of a lean canvas, go to Canvanizer. Alternatively, you can print this lean canvas

How to write a problem statement

Choose one of these two formats, and write down your problem:

You can have more than one problem statement, but no more than 3.

Identify existing alternatives

Take time to discuss as a group how people solve this problem today. Document all of the existing ways people solve the problem you want to solve.


zmon commented 8 years ago

We should also look at House Facts and what they were proposing to store. I am not suggesting that we use the record layouts.

zmon commented 8 years ago

Carry over V0 problem statement, identified growing pains, and lessons learned that we want to improve on. Make it easier and dynamic, more modular. Expand and enhance.