codeformilwaukee / hack-night-planning

Hack Night Planning Repository
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Improve these things from HN5 #99

Open BarkleyBG opened 4 years ago

BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago
BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago
BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago

Walkthrough orientation slides ourselves and see how well it goes. Whole core team

BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago

Put all of our links in one easy to find spot!!!

BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago

Perhaps we should require all projects to send us an update/recap of what they did that HN?

BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago

Start project wrap ups at 830pm so that everybody can leave by 9?

BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago


BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago

It would also be nice to have a social media person to send out a couple of tweet the gram every week so that we don’t have to think about doing

Aycrazy commented 4 years ago

This exists

Aycrazy commented 4 years ago

I think we need to have some guidance on the right way to do attendance too. I think we can make enhancements to the system going forward

anthonyjesmok commented 4 years ago

My suggestions based on what I'm seeing here:

  1. Politely remind speakers of expectations before they present at the event in-person just to refresh their minds
  2. Establish rules for keeping an active CfM-supported project. Two rules I would propose is that one group member must remain present to give updates at the end of the hack night, and the other being that a project is marked "inactive" if it does not meet for two Main Hack Nights in a row. An inactive project owner, or person taking it over, must appeal to the Core Team for reactivation.
  3. Promote project facilitation, MOCHA, and hack night resources on our website.
  4. The original feedback we received was that there was too little hacking time. Now, there is feedback that have had too much hacking time. Perhaps we have project updates at 8:15-8:30 and then allow groups who want to stay to do so and continue working?
  5. Improve attendance by using a member database. Have people who are first-timers sign up with all of their information (emails, pronouns, etc.) (perhaps during orientation). Then, use a program where users can check-in simply with their first and last name or use a CfM membership card given at orientation with a barcode scanner?
Aycrazy commented 4 years ago

Regarding your first comment. We do get in touch with project leads generally a week or two after hack night AND a week or two before. But happy to have others get in on the fun as well. To the point about MOCHA, not explaining it was intentional for 2 reasons: 1) we are piloting it with Census, 2) I wanted to be quick so we could get to work. It is something groups can opt into, but isnot required. Not, at least, until it's a proven strategy. I like the idea of having the facilitation and mocha information somewhere on the site though. Project facilitation checklist materials are subject to change, so I suggest we either make an iframe window to the Googledoc on a website page, or just link the doc to the page. There was a route to the link through the digital program, and we can keep that there (there still may be a better way to share it through the program -- itd be great if someone who isn't me took a look and see if you find it, otherwise it's not in a good spot and we'll change it)

Aycrazy commented 4 years ago

Id also like to add to @Brianbarkley's suggestions and recommended that everyone but 1 or 2 xofe team members get directly involved in a project (I know some ppl have). And that other 1 or 2 ppl float and observe like Brian did.

BarkleyBG commented 4 years ago

summary of the above.

@Aycrazy can you look over and see which of these items we still think are issues that we want to address?

  1. Bigger, better signs pointing to the room
  2. Establish rules for keeping an active CfM-supported project. Two rules I would propose is that one group member must remain present to give updates at the end of the hack night, and the other being that a project is marked "inactive" if it does not meet for two Main Hack Nights in a row. An inactive project owner, or person taking it over, must appeal to the Core Team for reactivation.
  3. Promote project facilitation, MOCHA, and hack night resources on our website.
    • To the point about MOCHA, not explaining it was intentional for 2 reasons: 1) we are piloting it with Census, 2) I wanted to be quick so we could get to work. It is something groups can opt into, but isnot required. Not, at least, until it's a proven strategy. I like the idea of having the facilitation and mocha information somewhere on the site though. Project facilitation checklist materials are subject to change, so I suggest we either make an iframe window to the Googledoc on a website page, or just link the doc to the page.
  4. The original feedback we received was that there was too little hacking time. Now, there is feedback that have had too much hacking time. Perhaps we have project updates at 8:15-8:30 and then allow groups who want to stay to do so and continue working?
  5. Improve attendance by using a member database. Have people who are first-timers sign up with all of their information (emails, pronouns, etc.) (perhaps during orientation). Then, use a program where users can check-in simply with their first and last name or use a CfM membership card given at orientation with a barcode scanner?