codeforpdx / PASS

PASS project - with HMIS module integration
MIT License
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Replace podUrl text input with a select input of user's contacts in "sharing" modals #359

Open xscottxbrownx opened 11 months ago

xscottxbrownx commented 11 months ago

Describe the Current Behavior/Feature:

In both of the "sharing" modals in the Profile page, the user must type in the podUrl of another person they want to set the permissions for.

Proposed Behavior/Feature:

Replace this with a dropdown select input of the user's contacts.


Users will have a hard time remembering the podUrls of others since each server can have a different format, and given our clientele.

Proposed Implementation (if applicable):

1. Create some sort of "contacts" list for each user 2. Populate the select menu options with said "contacts" list

Additional context:

Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 8 41 59 AM
Raspber commented 9 months ago

Going to give this a shot.

Raspber commented 8 months ago

working on this this week.

xscottxbrownx commented 5 months ago

@Raspber still interested in this?

Raspber commented 5 months ago

@Raspber still interested in this?

Yes, but if someone else would like to give this a shot, they can. I have not had a chance to begin this yet.