codeforpdx / PASS

PASS project - with HMIS module integration
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[Discovery] - Break down Upload Document into multiple steps #642

Open andycwilliams opened 1 month ago

andycwilliams commented 1 month ago

Note: This issue is marked for discovery. It is open for discussion and not necessarily decided upon.

Describe the Current Behavior/Feature:

Currently, the Upload Document modal contains every input and interaction on a single screen. This is completely functional but potentially could be made smoother, at least for smaller screens.

2024-05-24 (1)


Users may prefer a workflow where fewer things are presented all at once. It would create more sections, but they would be less crowded and perhaps overwhelming. This is particularly a concern for trauma-informed design. As well as accessibility, since a large amount of smaller-sized items could be burdensome for the vision-impaired, and multiple inputs so close to one another increase the possibility of misclicking.

Proposed Changes:

Break down the existing modal into at least one additional step in order to more closely match the Figma design:


Possible Drawbacks:

Breaking up a working feature can be risky if not done carefully. Doing it may also prove unduly cumbersome.

Alternatives Considered:

Consider if there are other ways to reduce screen "busyness".

If we do decided to move forward with breaking down this modal, we may want to consider doing the same for other similar other modals.