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WordPress website for nonprofit supporting transition-aged youth #103

Closed ychoy closed 4 years ago

ychoy commented 5 years ago

Ty Thompson and Dontae Lartigue work with Razing the Bar, a nonprofit focused on supporting transition-aged youth (former foster youth) achieve permanent connections and self-sufficiency.

Need volunteers to help with

They are also open to volunteers to help maintain the website after it is designed

Tools Currently the website is built in WordPress. They are not tied to WordPress, but that is what they are using.

If you are interested in volunteering with website design, or have any questions, please join the discussion on our Slack channel: #website

I also attached a one page document about the nonprofit, Razing the Bar.

Kyle-Falconer commented 5 years ago

A couple questions I have off the top of my head:

ychoy commented 5 years ago

@Kyle-Falconer The website is

They don't have a lot of content, so I think they're hoping for help with design, layout and building the website. If you need more information, please contact Ty.

It seems like Ty and Dontae run the nonprofit and would be the people maintaining the website. However, they are open to volunteer maintenance if anyone is interested.

ychoy commented 5 years ago

Update - An Nguyen @anguy124 and Julie Roh have started working on this project. To join the discussion and see updates, go to our Code for San Jose Slack channel #website.

An and Julie created a site map and they are planning to read over the information from Razing the Bar. They'll start brainstorming how to organize the information.

ychoy commented 4 years ago

This project is complete. You can learn more about it: