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Create isochrone for the South Bay using VTA data #52

Open evankroske opened 8 years ago

evankroske commented 8 years ago

An isochrone is a map that visualizes where you can reach within a given time:

Maybe we can use Remix to create some for the South Bay:


munds commented 8 years ago

I'm interested in getting started on this project :)

When I go to I'm a bit overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Is it up to me to scope the project and define feature sets?

Thank you!

evankroske commented 8 years ago

You may also be able to create the isochrone using Transit Analyst:

munds commented 8 years ago

Transit Analyst is based off OpenTripPlanner, which uses GTFS and OpenStreetMap:

Found the GTFS file for VTA here:

Reading the docs now to get familiar with the architecture and what kind of data set it requires.

munds commented 8 years ago for validating (and visualizing) above GTFS data

mthong commented 8 years ago

Hi @munds! Welcome to Code for San Jose! In general, yes, it is up to you to scope the project, identify data sources, bring on any additional team members/expertise you need, and complete the project.

However, our leadership team can help connect you to useful resources and people, and admittedly, we could provide more helpful guides to the process of starting up a project.

Here are some general guidelines that @3vivekb came up with about a year ago:

As for scoping the problem and datasets, we have a couple contacts at VTA who might know if anyone has attempted this for the VTA transit lines before. One of them is a Code for San Jose member, @Kyle-Falconer, but I think he just got married so he's probably offline for a little while! I'll check in with Cody Kraatz, who has also been very involved with VTA's open data initiative and the civic hacking community.

Kyle-Falconer commented 8 years ago

Hey all, yeah I think this would be a nice project. I can talk to Cody about this when I get back to the US. I think some of the functionality does overlap with what Remix provides, but I still think it would be neat to play with without having the overhead of Remix.

If you need help with the data, let me know, VTA is committed to Open Data, so I something needs fixed or changed, I'll see what I can do,

Kyle-Falconer commented 7 years ago

Hey @munds is there any more interest in picking this up? Anything you need from VTA to make this happen?

3vivekb commented 7 years ago

My boss showed this to me. It has been done before by our @amigocloud brothers. It's pretty beautiful. Change Multimodal Trip Planner -> Analyst.

At the bottom you can choose your Transit options.

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