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Reverse-engineer and document code-enforcement case API #70

Open evankroske opened 8 years ago

evankroske commented 8 years ago

Here's the search form:

Add the documentation to the GitHub pages site for the HackNightProjects repository, and add a link to it from index.html:

mthong commented 8 years ago

Interesting. The City of San Jose also publishes a map of code enforcement complaints:

Would it negate the need to reverse engineer the API if the code enforcement dataset were posted on the data portal? (Assuming the data portal were up to the task of serving it up via API...)

evankroske commented 8 years ago

Even if the data were available on the open data portal via API, it's worth documenting the de-facto API of the code-enforcement case system. The case system is the system of record for this data, so if someone were building an app that needed the most up-to-date code-enforcement data, their app would have to talk to this system.