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SJ Public Library Summer Meal Program Web App #91

Open rootCause87 opened 7 years ago

rootCause87 commented 7 years ago


The San Jose Public Library runs a summer program where they provide three meals a day + snacks to children at seven of their branches. The meals come from the YMCA, and left over meals can be served to adults, but the library must pay the YMCA for any meals that don't go to a child.

Because of the above restriction, the library must keep diligent documentation of each meal, and the coordinator sends a weekly report for each library. For the past two summers, a volunteer was needed just for the task of filling out the paperwork at each library at every meal - keeping track of how many new meals were received, left over, how many went to kids, etc. Not only does this mean that the volunteer can't help with other tasks, but it is also creates over 8,000 pages of paperwork per month. Keeping up on the paperwork is a grueling task.

State of the app and current tasks

Last October, some friends and I hacked together a software solution during a 30-hour hackathon. We have since delivered the mobile and web app to the library, but since this was a quick hack, there are still some tasks that need to be taken care of before the meal program starts back up in May. I am currently the only developer still working with them on the web portion of the project, and my time is limited, plus this seems like a great project for CfSJ to be involved in as it benefits our public libraries. Here are some of the tasks that the meal program coordinator's team and I came up with that I think can be resolved in time for the summer:

mthong commented 7 years ago

This sounds like a super cool project.

Would you be able to come to Code for San Jose's hack night this Thursday, March 9 to recruit some additional developers to join you?

If you can't come to a hack night in the near future, we can introduce this project in our Slack community to drum up interested developers.

rootCause87 commented 7 years ago

@mthong Absolutely! I will be there on the 9th