Closed ying1 closed 2 years ago
...from the Courtbot Tulsa Playbook:
includes integrations with ...
1. AWS Lambda
2. Lex
3. Heroku
4. Twilio
- Text <-> Twilio <-> Lex Lambda <-> OSCN pypi <-> Return same path back
- Note: OSCN utilities (OSCN pypi) is A python library for scraping case information from the
Oklahoma State Courts Network. For more information see []
Current state:
- Courtbot 2.0 only needs one phone number for everyone to use for
SMS notifications: (844-329-6801)
- notifications can (also) be received via Facebook and Slack.
- bulk notification signup via the website.
- you will need an API to plug into courtbot and access a python library that has
access to the data OSCN scraper:
- oscn > Python package source to provide an API for retrieving and parsing case records
- the oscn scraper link has example code that
- queries a single case
- queries all cases for one county and one year
- queries multiple case types, multiple counties or, multiple years
- finds a string of text within a case list
1. the Tulsa solution uses a python library to retrieve the data, sort, find, etc
2. every query results in a response to the user
2. other implementations of similar SMS systems use
- Amazon Lex (the bot)
- AWS Lambda (input validation)
- Amazon DynamoDB (for storing data)
3. it might be just sufficient to only store
- case_identifier
- sms_source_number
- notification_date
4. likely main bot functions:
- bot query based on SMS inputs
- bot query based on notification_date (# of days before court date)
5. using AWS seems ideal for non-profits
6. Costs
- one instance of courtbot, there are no costs to brigades
- CfA has access to non-profit credits for Heroku, twilio, AWS
- Code for Tulsa - has handled hosting costs in the past
7. not sure where Heroku is being used, possibly SMS/case_number capture page (I'll need to confirm)
Closing. Thanks for evaluation.
Tulsa: Tulsa github: