codefrau / SqueakJS

A Squeak Smalltalk VM in Javascript
MIT License
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Modularize SqueakJS #101

Closed ErikOnBike closed 4 years ago

ErikOnBike commented 4 years ago

Here is a PR for a modularised version of SqueakJS.

This version is created in a similar way as Pavel Krivanek did (see Besides modularising, support for Node.js and a headless VM is added. See the two examples in ws and headless. The Node.js example creates a WebSocketServer (using Node.js) and a WebSocket client using a (Cuis based) image. Through an interactive prompt Smalltalk statements can be executed in the Smalltalk image. The headless examples lets you run a simple (Pharo Candle based) image inside a WebWorker thread.

CC @ccrraaiigg @pavel-krivanek