codefrau / SqueakJS

A Squeak Smalltalk VM in Javascript
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I succeeded in running squeakJS in the web browser. But, ... #143

Closed bemoregt closed 8 months ago

bemoregt commented 1 year ago

Hi, @zot @jsparkes @timfel @krono @luque

As instructed, I succeeded in running squeakJS in the web browser. However, even if I run squeak.image to start the wiki server, the ComSwiiki page does not appear on my intranet browser.

Why is this?

My Trial: OSX monterey, m1 macmini, Chrome Browser 109.0.x

codefrau commented 1 year ago

JavaScript in a web browser cannot be used to provide a web server. That's why SqueakJS cannot be used to run ComSwiki.

I'm wondering what instructions you were trying to follow?