codefrau / SqueakJS

A Squeak Smalltalk VM in Javascript
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Make copy/paste work on mobile #173

Closed codefrau closed 3 days ago

codefrau commented 1 week ago

It would be nice to be able to access the system clipboard.

We need to somehow trigger the copy and paste operations. Maybe from within the clipboard primitive? that would make even the in-image menu items work. Or using Cmd-c/x/v with the new command button? Or some other user gesture?

codefrau commented 2 days ago

In case it doesn't work for someone:

On iOS I have to right click (two finger click) to bring up the menu, and then tap "paste". It does not work for some reason if I bring up the menu and move my finger to select the paste menu item in one gesture.

Cmd-v (holding the on-screen ⌘ key and tapping 'v' on the keyboard) works too.