Open arindamg15 opened 4 years ago
Hi @arindamg15
I am trying to run your scenario in seagull (I already tried with CCR-CCA client/server) and everything works correctly.
but when I try to run scenario /opt/seagull/diameter-env/scenario/air-aia-client.xml
it doesn't do anything, I don't even get any error in the terminal, can you help me to know what's going on?
I'm really only interested in the client.
this is the command I use to run
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/bin && seagull -conf ../config/conf.client.xml -dico ../config/base_s6a.xml -scen ../scenario/air-aia-client.xml -log ../logs/air-aia-client.client.log -llevel ET
Best regards. Thanks.
sample scenario file for Diameter AIR/AIA message AVPs