codegl / tracegl

traceGL support repository
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Error when opening traceGL interface #118

Open andrewjmead opened 10 years ago

andrewjmead commented 10 years ago
Uncaught Error: Could not link, max varying:15
precision mediump float;
#define ucol vec4
uniform vec4 ps;
uniform vec4 sz;
uniform float fg;
uniform sampler2D T;
vec2 f;
uniform vec2 s;
uniform ucol N_g;
varying vec4 rv_;
vec4 r;
vec4 _f(){
vec3 v = vec3(floor(ps.z+(ps.x+r.x)*sz.x),floor(ps.w+(ps.y+r.y)*sz.y-sz.z),ps.z+(ps.x+r.z)*sz.x);
vec4 c = vec4((texture2D(T,vec2((fg),0.))));
vec2 d = vec2(f.x-(v.x+sz.x),f.y-(v.y+0.5*sz.y));
if(d.y<0.&&mod(r.w,2.)==1.)return vec4(c);
if(d.y>0.&&mod(r.w,4.)>=2.)return vec4(c);
return vec4(,sqrt(d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y)>9.?0.:c.w);
else ;
vec2 d = vec2(f.x-(v.z-sz.x),f.y-(v.y+0.5*sz.y));
if(d.y<0.&&mod(r.w,8.)>=4.)return vec4(c);
if(d.y>0.&&mod(r.w,16.)>=8.)return vec4(c);
return vec4(,sqrt(d.x*d.x+d.y*d.y)>9.?0.:c.w);
return vec4(c);
void main(void){
 r = rv_;
f = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x,s.y-gl_FragCoord.y);
 gl_FragColor = _f();


tomgco commented 10 years ago

+1 I get this error in the latest version of chrome, however it seems to work in firefox.

vilterp commented 10 years ago

+1 same error with latest version of Chrome. Works in Safari with WebGL enabled.

nwwells commented 10 years ago


alessioalex commented 10 years ago

Same here: Chrome doesn't work, but Firefox does

stefounet commented 10 years ago

+1 same error with Chrome. @codegl any update on this?

sni-interactive-ad-experience commented 10 years ago

You guys should probably know this project is dead. He now works for Mozilla and claims to be adding TraceGL to Firefox, but as a standalone app, it is no longer supported. Kinda shady TBH selling untested, buggy software than leaving your customers high and dry.

andrewjmead commented 10 years ago
