Open arnaudambro opened 1 month ago
Hello @arnaudambro,
Assuming you're using the components exposed by react-dsfr, this error is very strange.
This attribute is added dynamically by the JavaScript code of @gouvfr/dsfr
. This code isn't loaded on the backend during SSR. It cannot possibly be. If it was many errors would be thrown.
If you can produce a reproduction repo with precise steps to reproduce I'll be able to debug.
If you can produce a reproduction repo with precise steps to reproduce I'll be able to debug.
this is the repo I'm working on, with the code as is
the file your might be interested in is ./app/entry.client.tsx
I think
Please provide the exact commands to reproduce and where I should navigate to reproduce the error.
git clone
cd ./zacharie
git checkout 59b8832994911b2ce3523f8bee114048a6ddb8d2
yarn install
yarn dev-test-react-dsfr
this should work
I'm not getting the error described:
mmm yes, my bad, it's once you're logged in
then on the url http://localhost:3232/tableau-de-bord
if you remove everything except the header in ./app/tableau-de-bord.tsx
you still get the error
import { Header } from "@codegouvfr/react-dsfr/Header";
export default function TableauDeBordLayout() {
return (
<br />
de l'Agriculture
href: "/",
title: "Zacharie - Ministère de l'Agriculture",
serviceTagline="La Fiche d’Examen Initial (FEI) simplifiée"
I made a branch for this test:
I still don't see the error you're refering to in this issue:
Hello, we're seeing similar warning in our project (only in dev mode) :
It can be reproduced on this PR :
yarn && yarn build
yarn dev:frontend
Then go to
Hello @carolineBda,
This is not the same error and not the same meta framwork. Please open a new issue.
ok :+1:
@carolineBda and unfortunatly, I can't reproduce either:
I still don't see the error you're refering to in this issue:
are you sure you're on the branch ? cause the error shows you need a postgres db but in that branch I removed the dependency to this - and it works fine on my computer
Yes. I was on the branch.
I'll try again after your update
Still can reproduce, neither with chrome or firefox, neither with network throtling.
The error I'm getting is:
I can look at this but this isn't the same error you're refering to, it's related to Remix Link component.
Maybe produce a dump of the error with ?
Maybe try clearing your browser cache as well.
It's maybe due to the fact that you've done this:
still here...
sorry I have no time right now to dig in a little bit more, but in October/November I think I'll be able to
Thanks anyway, great job done there !
I've this warning using react-dsfr in my Remix project (here:
I have no clue how to try and fix it...