Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:
Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
Show all Merge Confidence badges for pull requests.
Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation.
Use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others if semantic commits are in use.
Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests (except for nuget) directories.
Group known monorepo packages together.
Use curated list of recommended non-monorepo package groupings.
Apply crowd-sourced package replacement rules.
Apply crowd-sourced workarounds for known problems with packages.
🔡 Do you want to change how Renovate upgrades your dependencies? Add your custom config to renovate.json in this branch. Renovate will update the Pull Request description the next time it runs.
What to Expect
With your current configuration, Renovate will create 75 Pull Requests:
Update codegouvfr/sill-api Docker tag to v1.42.54
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/codegouvfr-sill-api-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade codegouvfr/sill-api to `1.42.54`
Update codegouvfr/sill-web Docker tag to v1.42.54
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/codegouvfr-sill-web-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade codegouvfr/sill-web to `1.42.54`
Update dependency @types/express to v4.17.21
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/express-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@types/express]( to `4.17.21`
Update dependency @types/node to v16.18.113
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/node-16.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@types/node]( to `16.18.113`
Update dependency @types/node to v18.19.55
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/node-18.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@types/node]( to `18.19.55`
Update dependency cheerio to v1.0.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/cheerio-1.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [cheerio]( to `1.0.0`
Update dependency csv-parse to v5.5.6
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/csv-parse-5.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [csv-parse]( to `5.5.6`
Update dependency dotenv-cli to v7.4.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/dotenv-cli-7.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [dotenv-cli]( to `7.4.2`
Update dependency eslint-plugin-tss-unused-classes to v1.0.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/eslint-plugin-tss-unused-classes-1.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [eslint-plugin-tss-unused-classes]( to `1.0.3`
Update dependency flexsearch to v0.7.43
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/flexsearch-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [flexsearch]( to `0.7.43`
Update dependency i18nifty to v3.2.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/i18nifty-3.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [i18nifty]( to `3.2.2`
Update dependency memoizee to v0.4.17
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/memoizee-0.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [memoizee]( to `0.4.17`
Update dependency powerhooks to v1.0.15
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/powerhooks-1.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [powerhooks]( to `1.0.15`
Update dependency rimraf to v5.0.10
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/rimraf-5.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [rimraf]( to `5.0.10`
Update dependency semver to v7.6.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/semver-7.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [semver]( to `7.6.3`
Update dependency tsafe to v1.7.5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/tsafe-1.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [tsafe]( to `1.7.5`
Update dependency tss-react to v4.9.13
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/tss-react-4.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [tss-react]( to `4.9.13`
Update garronej/ts-ci action to v2.1.5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/garronej-ts-ci-2.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [garronej/ts-ci]( to `v2.1.5`
Update trpc monorepo to v10.45.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/trpc-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@trpc/client]( to `10.45.2`
- Upgrade [@trpc/server]( to `10.45.2`
Update actions/checkout action to v3.6.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/actions-checkout-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [actions/checkout]( to `v3.6.0`
Update actions/setup-node action to v2.5.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/actions-setup-node-2.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [actions/setup-node]( to `v2.5.2`
Update dependency @codegouvfr/react-dsfr to v1.13.7
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/codegouvfr-react-dsfr-1.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@codegouvfr/react-dsfr]( to `1.13.7`
Update dependency @octokit/graphql to v7.1.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/octokit-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@octokit/graphql]( to `7.1.0`
Update dependency @tanstack/react-virtual to v3.10.8
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/tanstack-react-virtual-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@tanstack/react-virtual]( to `3.10.8`
Update dependency async-mutex to ^0.5.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/async-mutex-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [async-mutex]( to `^0.5.0`
Update dependency esbuild to ^0.24.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/esbuild-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [esbuild]( to `^0.24.0`
Update dependency express to v4.21.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/express-4.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [express]( to `4.21.1`
Update dependency keycloakify to v9.7.4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/keycloakify-9.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [keycloakify]( to `9.7.4`
Update dependency kysely-ctl to ^0.9.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/kysely-ctl-0.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [kysely-ctl]( to `^0.9.0`
Update dependency oidc-spa to v5.4.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/oidc-spa-5.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [oidc-spa]( to `5.4.1`
Update dependency pg to v8.13.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/pg-8.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [pg]( to `8.13.0`
- Upgrade [@types/pg]( to `8.11.10`
Update dependency react-hook-form to v7.53.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/react-hook-form-7.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [react-hook-form]( to `7.53.0`
Update dependency turbo to v1.13.4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/turbo-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [turbo]( to `1.13.4`
Update dependency typescript to v5.6.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/typescript-5.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [typescript]( to `5.6.3`
Update dependency vitest to v1.6.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/vitest-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [vitest]( to `1.6.0`
Update dependency zod to v3.23.8
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/zod-3.x-lockfile`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [zod]( to `3.23.8`
Update emotion monorepo to v11.13.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/emotion-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@emotion/react]( to `11.13.3`
- Upgrade [@emotion/styled]( to `11.13.0`
Update material-ui monorepo to v5.16.7
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/material-ui-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@mui/icons-material]( to `5.16.7`
- Upgrade [@mui/material]( to `5.16.7`
Update react monorepo
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/react-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@types/react]( to `18.3.11`
- Upgrade [@types/react-dom]( to `18.3.0`
- Upgrade [react]( to `18.3.1`
- Upgrade [react-dom]( to `18.3.1`
Update GitHub Artifact Actions to v4 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-github-artifact-actions`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [actions/download-artifact]( to `v4`
- Upgrade [actions/upload-artifact]( to `v4`
Update Node.js to v20
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/node-20.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [node]( to `20-alpine`
- Upgrade [node]( to `20-alpine3.17`
- Upgrade [@types/node]( to `^20.0.0`
Update actions/checkout action to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/actions-checkout-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [actions/checkout]( to `v4`
- Upgrade [actions/checkout]( to `v4.2.1`
Update actions/setup-node action to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/actions-setup-node-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [actions/setup-node]( to `v4`
- Upgrade [actions/setup-node]( to `v4.0.4`
Update borales/actions-yarn action to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/borales-actions-yarn-5.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [borales/actions-yarn]( to `v5`
Update dependency @retorquere/bibtex-parser to v9
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/retorquere-bibtex-parser-9.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@retorquere/bibtex-parser]( to `^9.0.0`
Update dependency @types/express to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/express-5.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@types/express]( to `5.0.0`
Update dependency @types/ungap__structured-clone to v1
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/ungap__structured-clone-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@types/ungap__structured-clone]( to `^1.0.0`
Update dependency @uiw/react-md-editor to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/uiw-react-md-editor-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@uiw/react-md-editor]( to `^4.0.0`
Update dependency @ungap/structured-clone to v1
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/ungap-structured-clone-1.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@ungap/structured-clone]( to `^1.0.0`
Update dependency comment-json to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/comment-json-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [comment-json]( to `^4.0.0`
Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/eslint-config-prettier-9.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [eslint-config-prettier]( to `^9.0.0`
Update dependency jwt-decode to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/jwt-decode-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [jwt-decode]( to `^4.0.0`
Update dependency keycloak-backend to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/keycloak-backend-5.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [keycloak-backend]( to `^5.0.0`
Update dependency keycloakify to v11
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/keycloakify-11.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [keycloakify]( to `^11.0.0`
Update dependency node-fetch to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/node-fetch-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [node-fetch]( to `^3.0.0`
Update dependency prettier to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/prettier-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [prettier]( to `^3.0.0`
Update dependency react-markdown to v9
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-remark`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [react-markdown]( to `^9.0.0`
Update dependency rimraf to v6
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/rimraf-6.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [rimraf]( to `^6.0.0`
Update dependency storybook-dark-mode to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/storybook-dark-mode-4.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [storybook-dark-mode]( to `^4.0.0`
Update dependency superjson to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/superjson-2.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [superjson]( to `^2.0.0`
Update dependency turbo to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-turbo-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [turbo]( to `^2.0.0`
Update dependency typescript to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/typescript-5.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [typescript]( to `^5.0.0`
Update dependency url-join to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/url-join-5.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [url-join]( to `^5.0.0`
Update dependency vitest to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-vitest-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [vitest]( to `^2.0.0`
Update docker/build-push-action action to v6
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/docker-build-push-action-6.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [docker/build-push-action]( to `v6`
Update docker/login-action action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/docker-login-action-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [docker/login-action]( to `v3`
Update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/docker-setup-buildx-action-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [docker/setup-buildx-action]( to `v3`
Update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/docker-setup-qemu-action-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [docker/setup-qemu-action]( to `v3`
Update material-ui monorepo to v6 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-material-ui-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@mui/icons-material]( to `^6.0.0`
- Upgrade [@mui/material]( to `^6.0.0`
Update octokit monorepo (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-octokit-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@octokit/graphql]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@octokit/rest]( to `^21.0.0`
Update peter-evans/repository-dispatch action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/peter-evans-repository-dispatch-3.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [peter-evans/repository-dispatch]( to `v3`
Update postgres Docker tag to v17
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/postgres-17.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade postgres to `17-alpine`
- Upgrade postgres to `17`
Update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/softprops-action-gh-release-2.x`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [softprops/action-gh-release]( to `v2`
Update storybook monorepo to v8 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-storybook-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@storybook/addon-actions]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@storybook/addon-docs]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@storybook/addon-essentials]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@storybook/addon-links]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@storybook/builder-webpack5]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@storybook/node-logger]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@storybook/preset-create-react-app]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@storybook/react]( to `^8.0.0`
Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"]
- Branch name: `renovate/major-typescript-eslint-monorepo`
- Merge into: `main`
- Upgrade [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( to `^8.0.0`
- Upgrade [@typescript-eslint/parser]( to `^8.0.0`
🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or overwhelm the project. See docs for prhourlylimit for details.
❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section.
If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.
Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.
🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.
Detected Package Files
(nvm)Configuration Summary
Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:
for dependencies andchore
for all others if semantic commits are in use.node_modules
and various test/tests (except for nuget) directories.🔡 Do you want to change how Renovate upgrades your dependencies? Add your custom config to
in this branch. Renovate will update the Pull Request description the next time it runs.What to Expect
With your current configuration, Renovate will create 75 Pull Requests:
Update codegouvfr/sill-api Docker tag to v1.42.54
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/codegouvfr-sill-api-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade codegouvfr/sill-api to `1.42.54`Update codegouvfr/sill-web Docker tag to v1.42.54
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/codegouvfr-sill-web-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade codegouvfr/sill-web to `1.42.54`Update dependency @types/express to v4.17.21
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/express-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@types/express]( to `4.17.21`Update dependency @types/node to v16.18.113
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/node-16.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@types/node]( to `16.18.113`Update dependency @types/node to v18.19.55
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/node-18.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@types/node]( to `18.19.55`Update dependency cheerio to v1.0.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/cheerio-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [cheerio]( to `1.0.0`Update dependency csv-parse to v5.5.6
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/csv-parse-5.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [csv-parse]( to `5.5.6`Update dependency dotenv-cli to v7.4.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/dotenv-cli-7.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [dotenv-cli]( to `7.4.2`Update dependency eslint-plugin-tss-unused-classes to v1.0.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-plugin-tss-unused-classes-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [eslint-plugin-tss-unused-classes]( to `1.0.3`Update dependency flexsearch to v0.7.43
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/flexsearch-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [flexsearch]( to `0.7.43`Update dependency i18nifty to v3.2.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/i18nifty-3.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [i18nifty]( to `3.2.2`Update dependency memoizee to v0.4.17
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/memoizee-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [memoizee]( to `0.4.17`Update dependency powerhooks to v1.0.15
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/powerhooks-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [powerhooks]( to `1.0.15`Update dependency rimraf to v5.0.10
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/rimraf-5.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rimraf]( to `5.0.10`Update dependency semver to v7.6.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/semver-7.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [semver]( to `7.6.3`Update dependency tsafe to v1.7.5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/tsafe-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tsafe]( to `1.7.5`Update dependency tss-react to v4.9.13
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/tss-react-4.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tss-react]( to `4.9.13`Update garronej/ts-ci action to v2.1.5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/garronej-ts-ci-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [garronej/ts-ci]( to `v2.1.5`Update trpc monorepo to v10.45.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/trpc-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@trpc/client]( to `10.45.2` - Upgrade [@trpc/server]( to `10.45.2`Update actions/checkout action to v3.6.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/actions-checkout-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [actions/checkout]( to `v3.6.0`Update actions/setup-node action to v2.5.2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/actions-setup-node-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [actions/setup-node]( to `v2.5.2`Update dependency @codegouvfr/react-dsfr to v1.13.7
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/codegouvfr-react-dsfr-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@codegouvfr/react-dsfr]( to `1.13.7`Update dependency @octokit/graphql to v7.1.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/octokit-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@octokit/graphql]( to `7.1.0`Update dependency @tanstack/react-virtual to v3.10.8
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/tanstack-react-virtual-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@tanstack/react-virtual]( to `3.10.8`Update dependency async-mutex to ^0.5.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-mutex-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-mutex]( to `^0.5.0`Update dependency esbuild to ^0.24.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/esbuild-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [esbuild]( to `^0.24.0`Update dependency express to v4.21.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/express-4.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [express]( to `4.21.1`Update dependency keycloakify to v9.7.4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/keycloakify-9.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [keycloakify]( to `9.7.4`Update dependency kysely-ctl to ^0.9.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/kysely-ctl-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [kysely-ctl]( to `^0.9.0`Update dependency oidc-spa to v5.4.1
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/oidc-spa-5.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [oidc-spa]( to `5.4.1`Update dependency pg to v8.13.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/pg-8.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [pg]( to `8.13.0` - Upgrade [@types/pg]( to `8.11.10`Update dependency react-hook-form to v7.53.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/react-hook-form-7.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [react-hook-form]( to `7.53.0`Update dependency turbo to v1.13.4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/turbo-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [turbo]( to `1.13.4`Update dependency typescript to v5.6.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/typescript-5.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [typescript]( to `5.6.3`Update dependency vitest to v1.6.0
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/vitest-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [vitest]( to `1.6.0`Update dependency zod to v3.23.8
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/zod-3.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [zod]( to `3.23.8`Update emotion monorepo to v11.13.3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/emotion-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@emotion/react]( to `11.13.3` - Upgrade [@emotion/styled]( to `11.13.0`Update material-ui monorepo to v5.16.7
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/material-ui-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@mui/icons-material]( to `5.16.7` - Upgrade [@mui/material]( to `5.16.7`Update react monorepo
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/react-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@types/react]( to `18.3.11` - Upgrade [@types/react-dom]( to `18.3.0` - Upgrade [react]( to `18.3.1` - Upgrade [react-dom]( to `18.3.1`Update GitHub Artifact Actions to v4 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-github-artifact-actions` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [actions/download-artifact]( to `v4` - Upgrade [actions/upload-artifact]( to `v4`Update Node.js to v20
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/node-20.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [node]( to `20-alpine` - Upgrade [node]( to `20-alpine3.17` - Upgrade [@types/node]( to `^20.0.0`Update actions/checkout action to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/actions-checkout-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [actions/checkout]( to `v4` - Upgrade [actions/checkout]( to `v4.2.1`Update actions/setup-node action to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/actions-setup-node-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [actions/setup-node]( to `v4` - Upgrade [actions/setup-node]( to `v4.0.4`Update borales/actions-yarn action to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/borales-actions-yarn-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [borales/actions-yarn]( to `v5`Update dependency @retorquere/bibtex-parser to v9
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/retorquere-bibtex-parser-9.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@retorquere/bibtex-parser]( to `^9.0.0`Update dependency @types/express to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/express-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@types/express]( to `5.0.0`Update dependency @types/ungap__structured-clone to v1
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/ungap__structured-clone-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@types/ungap__structured-clone]( to `^1.0.0`Update dependency @uiw/react-md-editor to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/uiw-react-md-editor-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@uiw/react-md-editor]( to `^4.0.0`Update dependency @ungap/structured-clone to v1
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/ungap-structured-clone-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@ungap/structured-clone]( to `^1.0.0`Update dependency comment-json to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/comment-json-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [comment-json]( to `^4.0.0`Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-config-prettier-9.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [eslint-config-prettier]( to `^9.0.0`Update dependency jwt-decode to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/jwt-decode-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [jwt-decode]( to `^4.0.0`Update dependency keycloak-backend to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/keycloak-backend-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [keycloak-backend]( to `^5.0.0`Update dependency keycloakify to v11
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/keycloakify-11.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [keycloakify]( to `^11.0.0`Update dependency node-fetch to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/node-fetch-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [node-fetch]( to `^3.0.0`Update dependency prettier to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/prettier-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [prettier]( to `^3.0.0`Update dependency react-markdown to v9
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-remark` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [react-markdown]( to `^9.0.0`Update dependency rimraf to v6
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/rimraf-6.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rimraf]( to `^6.0.0`Update dependency storybook-dark-mode to v4
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/storybook-dark-mode-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [storybook-dark-mode]( to `^4.0.0`Update dependency superjson to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/superjson-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [superjson]( to `^2.0.0`Update dependency turbo to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-turbo-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [turbo]( to `^2.0.0`Update dependency typescript to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/typescript-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [typescript]( to `^5.0.0`Update dependency url-join to v5
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/url-join-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [url-join]( to `^5.0.0`Update dependency vitest to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-vitest-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [vitest]( to `^2.0.0`Update docker/build-push-action action to v6
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/docker-build-push-action-6.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [docker/build-push-action]( to `v6`Update docker/login-action action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/docker-login-action-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [docker/login-action]( to `v3`Update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/docker-setup-buildx-action-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [docker/setup-buildx-action]( to `v3`Update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/docker-setup-qemu-action-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [docker/setup-qemu-action]( to `v3`Update material-ui monorepo to v6 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-material-ui-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@mui/icons-material]( to `^6.0.0` - Upgrade [@mui/material]( to `^6.0.0`Update octokit monorepo (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-octokit-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@octokit/graphql]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@octokit/rest]( to `^21.0.0`Update peter-evans/repository-dispatch action to v3
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/peter-evans-repository-dispatch-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [peter-evans/repository-dispatch]( to `v3`Update postgres Docker tag to v17
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/postgres-17.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade postgres to `17-alpine` - Upgrade postgres to `17`Update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/softprops-action-gh-release-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [softprops/action-gh-release]( to `v2`Update storybook monorepo to v8 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-storybook-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@storybook/addon-actions]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@storybook/addon-docs]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@storybook/addon-essentials]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@storybook/addon-links]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@storybook/builder-webpack5]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@storybook/node-logger]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@storybook/preset-create-react-app]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@storybook/react]( to `^8.0.0`Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 (major)
- Schedule: ["at any time"] - Branch name: `renovate/major-typescript-eslint-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( to `^8.0.0` - Upgrade [@typescript-eslint/parser]( to `^8.0.0`🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or overwhelm the project. See docs for
for details.❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.
This PR was generated by Mend Renovate. View the repository job log.