practice in Perl programming generally
experience in translating between complex formats with Perl
clarify your understanding of shell syntax & semantics
my @shell = <>;
my @PERL_SCRIPT = ();
my $loop = 0; # flag to indicate whether currently in loop
my $if = 0; # if flag to indicate if in if statement
my $varre = "[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z_]*"; # shell variable regex
read shell
if ($shell[0] =~ /^#!/) {
die if !($shell[0] =~ /^#!\/bin\/sh/ or $shell[0] =~ /^#!\/bin\/bash/); # if not shell, die
# if not shell, die
die if !($shell[0] =~ /sh/);
shift @shell;
Assignment 2: sheeple, Sheeple
Aims This assignment aims to give you
practice in Perl programming generally experience in translating between complex formats with Perl clarify your understanding of shell syntax & semantics
!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all';
my @keywords = ("case", "do", "done", "elif", "else", "esac", "fi", "for", "function", "if", "in", "select", "then", "time", "until", "while");
my @no_translate = ("&&", "||", ";",); my $cant_translate = 0;
my %int_test = ( "-eq" => "==", "-ge" => ">=", "-gt" => ">", "-le" => "<=", "-lt" => "<", "-ne" => "!=");
my @shell = <>; my @PERL_SCRIPT = (); my $loop = 0; # flag to indicate whether currently in loop my $if = 0; # if flag to indicate if in if statement my $varre = "[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z_]*"; # shell variable regex
read shell
if ($shell[0] =~ /^#!/) {
die if !($shell[0] =~ /^#!\/bin\/sh/ or $shell[0] =~ /^#!\/bin\/bash/); # if not shell, die