codeigniter4 / CodeIgniter4

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Bug: cannot use table alias in Model #4487

Closed wiedhodho closed 2 years ago

wiedhodho commented 3 years ago

I use $model->table('kategori k1')->select('k1.*')

But error: Unknown table dbname.k1

CodeIgniter 4 version v4.1.1

avegacms commented 3 years ago

It's not bug! You must write your alias as $model->table('kategori AS k1')->select('k1.*')

wiedhodho commented 3 years ago

I have try with $model->table('kategori as k1')

but the error is still same.

database: mariadb v10.5.8

MGatner commented 3 years ago

Without digging through the code, I'm not sure we support this? You might need to use Builder's "table alias" methods. I really don't have experience with this issue though.

kenjis commented 3 years ago

Not $model->table('kategori k1')->select('k1.*') but $db->table('kategori k1')->select('k1.*')? It seems CodeIgniter\Model does not have the method table().

MGatner commented 3 years ago

@kenjis Model has mixins to both Builder and Connection so table() is acceptable.

kenjis commented 3 years ago

Oh, BaseModel has mixin to Connection. The model is a really complex class!

MGatner commented 3 years ago

It's really a mess. There's not a need for 90% of this magic and it makes docs and static analysis pretty confusing. I will lobby to simplify all this for the next major version but for now I think the best we can do is try to get SA working as-is.

WinterSilence commented 3 years ago

@MGatner we can use PhpDoc to fix it, see @method tag

MGatner commented 3 years ago

@WinterSilence I still have not looked into the templating you linked on the other issue but I fear that a simple @method tag won't be enough given the underlying complexity.

paulbalandan commented 3 years ago

I think this is related to #4527

kenjis commented 3 years ago

@paulbalandan Probably no.

$model->table('kategori k1') does not set $model->builder. After that, when $model->builder() is called, another builder is created and it is set $model->builder.

kenjis commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure $model->table('kategori k1') should be supported.

The following code would work:

$model->bulder(); // set builder in model
$model->from('kategori k1', true)->select('k1.*');
WinterSilence commented 3 years ago

@kenjis wait, somebody will write about BC - 💯 (:

kenjis commented 3 years ago

Wait for what? I just showed workaround code for this issue.

To be honest, I don't know what CodeIgniter\Model is trying to achieve.

Currently, the magic method in the Model can execute all BaseConnection and BaseBuilder methods, so the BaseConnection::table() method can also be executed.

But do we need to support the usage like $model->table('tablename')?

WinterSilence commented 3 years ago

@kenjis $model->from('kategori k1', true)->select('k1.*'); auto create builder.

But do we need to support the usage like $model->table('tablename')?

remove = BC

MGatner commented 3 years ago

We can't do anything about the database magic pass-through right now but definitely let's remove it in the future. It makes such a mess, when a simple accessor to $db would allow the same thing, just cleaner. The Builder magic is a bit more complicated, and we will probably need to find some way to keep that. Hopefully removing magic methods from Builder will help with the clarity and static analysis.

WinterSilence commented 3 years ago

need change all without changing anything

i think need rewrite classes in new namespace and mark current classes as @deprecated

namespace CodeIgniter\Models;

interface ModelInterface extends \IteratorAggregate
    public function getValidation(): Validation;
    public function getEventManager(): EventManager;
    public function getFields(): FieldCollection;

interface StoredModelInterface extends ModelInterface 
    public function getStorage(): StorageProviderInterface;
    public function save(StorageProviderInterface $storage = null): bool;

interface FieldInterface
    public function getId(): string;
    public function getName(): string;
    public function getModel(): ModelInterface;
    public function  setValidationRules(array $rules);
    public function setEventListeners(string $event, callable ...$listeners);
    public function getValue();
    public function setValue($value);
    public function bindValue(&$value);

class FieldCollection implements \IteratorAggregate
    public function __construct(FieldInterface ...$fields)
          foreach ($fields as $field) {
               $this->fields[$field->getId()] => $field;
    public function toAll(): array {
         return $this->fields;
    public function get(string $id): FieldInterface {}
    public function getValidationRules(): array {}
    public function getEventListeners(): array {}
    public function getValues(): array {}
    public function setValues(array $values): {}
    public function has(string $field): bool {}
    public function getIterator(): \Iterator
        yield from $this->fields;

abstract class Model implements ModelInterface
        protected $fields;

        protected $validation;

        protected $eventManager;

       public function getFields(): FieldCollection
               if ($this->fields === null) {
                       $this->fields = new FieldCollection($this);
               return $this->fields;

        public function __construct()
             $this->getEventManager()->dispatch(new ModelInitEvent($this));

        abstract protected function getEventListeners(): array;

       public function getValidation(): Validation
               if ($this->validation === null) {
                       $this->validation= new Validation($this);
               return $this->validation;

        public function getEventManager(): EventManager
            if ($this->eventManager === null) {
                  $this->eventManager = new EventManager();
            return $this->eventManager;

      public function __set(string $name, $value)
            throw new \RuntimeException('Undefined property: ' . $name);

      public function getIterator(): \Iterator
          yield from $this->getFields();

abstract class StoredModel extends Model implements StoredModelInterface
namespace CodeIgniter\Database;
abstract class BaseModel extends StoredModel
    abstract public function getTable(): Table;
    abstract protected function getQueryBuilder(): QueryBuilder;
    abstract public function getRelations(): RelationCollection;
kenjis commented 3 years ago


$model->from('kategori k1', true)->select('k1.*'); auto create builder.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

WinterSilence commented 3 years ago


kenjis commented 3 years ago
$model->bulder(); // set builder in model
$model->from('kategori k1', true)->select('k1.*');

The first line makes a builder and set it to $this->builder in the Model. So the second line does not create a new builder.

WinterSilence commented 3 years ago

@kenjis when you call method from() you set builder in __call():

if ($result === null && method_exists($builder = $this->builder(), $name))
      $result = $builder->{$name}(...$params);

you must call methods by chain : $model->bulder()->select('k1.*')->from('kategori k1', true)

kenjis commented 2 years ago

@wiedhodho For what do you want to write code like $model->table('kategori k1')->select('k1.*')?

Why not like this?

namespace App\Models;
class KategoriModel extends \CodeIgniter\Model
    protected $table = 'kategori';

kenjis commented 2 years ago

I don't think we should support $model->table(). The CodeIgniter Model is not Query Builder.

kenjis commented 2 years ago

No feedback. Closing.