Which operating systems have you tested for this bug?
Windows, Linux
Which server did you use?
No response
What happened?
Was scanning my project with data analysis tool, Sonarcloud and it highlighted that the system's email 's stream_socket_enable_crypto function's crypto method was using TLS 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 and did not have TLSv1.3 (the latest supported version for PHP >7.4 as per documentation)
I'm not sure how does the "|" operator work. Is it supposed to be the OR operator, typically "||", or is it that the function will automatically select the latest/most secure option of the choices we provide to it?
PHP Version
CodeIgniter4 Version
CodeIgniter4 Installation Method
Manual (zip or tar.gz)
Which operating systems have you tested for this bug?
Windows, Linux
Which server did you use?
No response
What happened?
Was scanning my project with data analysis tool, Sonarcloud and it highlighted that the system's email 's stream_socket_enable_crypto function's crypto method was using TLS 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 and did not have TLSv1.3 (the latest supported version for PHP >7.4 as per documentation)
Steps to Reproduce
system/email/email.php ln 2103
Expected Output
Anything else?
I'm not sure how does the "|" operator work. Is it supposed to be the OR operator, typically "||", or is it that the function will automatically select the latest/most secure option of the choices we provide to it?