codeisscience / manifesto

Code is Science - a manifesto for anyone who deals with code in a scientific scenario
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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version the manifesto and archive it on Figshare or Zenodo #25

Open egonw opened 6 years ago

egonw commented 6 years ago

So that the manifesto itself also becomes properly citable.

yochannah commented 6 years ago

This is a brilliant idea! I think I'll hold off until early June when we launch the manifesto officially as version 1.0.

yochannah commented 6 years ago

Ok, since it's early June we can probably get started on this task. Adding a "help wanted" tag - authors should be credited as per #32

if you want to pick up this task

  1. Comment on this issue stating that you intend to work on the task
  2. When you're ready, add your work to the repo and create a pull request.
  3. Bask in glory and email me your address if you'd like to have some codeisscience stickers for your trouble. <3

What to do if you need help

Mention @yochannah, tweet @yoyehudi, pop by to say hi on gitter or if needed email <3

JPTIZ commented 4 years ago

Ok, since it's early June we can probably get started on this task. Adding a "help wanted" tag - authors should be credited as per #32

if you want to pick up this task

  1. Comment on this issue stating that you intend to work on the task
  2. When you're ready, add your work to the repo and create a pull request.
  3. Bask in glory and email me your address if you'd like to have some codeisscience stickers for your trouble. <3

What to do if you need help

Mention @yochannah, tweet @yoyehudi, pop by to say hi on gitter or if needed email <3

Ok, I would like to help with it (even if I'm new on this kind of task).

I've been reading about FigShare and MozillaScienceLab and I need help with the following info:

  1. Who to set as maintainer: should I set as @yochannah? Or should I set as @codeisscience?;
  2. Who to set as contributors: should I set as every contributor in this repo? Or should I set as the ones from the poster?

Also there are two repositories: one at @yochannah's profile and this one. This seems to be a bit confusing (at least for me), but I will assume this is the main repo (although the other one has a slighty more recent commit and a Github-Project) and archive it in FigShare. If I should do this with the other one (the one in @yochannah's profile), please tell me.

I also don't know if FigShare is going to ask for any permission from me to this repo, but I'll let this for later (for now I'm going to see until where can I go).

yochannah commented 4 years ago


I'd suggest set @codeisscience as the maintainer, and contributors be everyone in the repo, plus everyone in the poster as well if there isn't 100% overlap. I'll grant you write access as well.

yochannah commented 4 years ago

Okay, added! @JPTIZ thanks so much for volunteering for this! ❤️ btw, you have my email - if you want, send me your snail mail address as I would love to send you out copies of the manifesto and stickers!

JPTIZ commented 4 years ago

Ok, giving the reports:

My tests (just for information - skippable)

  1. The link I was trying is actually broken (the Mozilla one): I fill the form, but submit button leads to a 404 on FigShare;
  2. Because of item 1, I tried to go directly through FigShare, but organization repos don't seem to show on import list (which apparently is a known issue);
  3. I also found that FigShare/Zenodo fetches the repos' contributors. So about my question 2 in the latest comment: I just realized ithis repo's contributors happens to be a superset of the posters' names, so this repo's contributors is enough;
  4. Because of item 2, I tried to go on Zenodo and it seems to work pretty well! Did a test submission with one (really old) of my repos (with the help of this guide). It works, as you can see here. :)
  5. I also tried to sync with repos from an organization I'm in. They show up on Zenodo's import lists, so I assume I can import them the same way I did to that test repo.

Issues I'm having

  1. This repo is not appearing on Zenodo's GitHub import/sync list. I checked and the organization has already accepted Zenodo application:


    So I decide to check Zenodo's help page and found this:

    My organizational repository does not show up on the GitHub list.

    In order to see and archive your organizational repositories on Zenodo you will need to have "Admin" permissions on said repository, either as an Admin of the organization or an Admin of one of your organization's repositories. [...]

    Being the repo's (not the organization's) admin is enough. If you think that's too much "admin power" for me, I completely understand. At least using Zenodo is really easier than I thought (as seen from my tests above: just some clicks and it's done). Once this is done, I'm going just to sync this repo, then new releases will activate Zenodo's automatic archiving and DOIs should be available.

  2. Since Zenodo (actually FigShare too) works with releases, should I make a first release of this repo then? Or should I wait until #33 is fulfilled? If I should make a first release: what version/tag and title? "v1.0" and "First release", respectively?

(Also, about the stickers, I'm going to send you an e-mail then!)

yochannah commented 4 years ago

Thanks for nudging me on this, @JPTIZ! v1.0 on Zenodo sounds perfect. I think I've given you repo admin access - let me know if it's enough?

JPTIZ commented 4 years ago

Yay, here we go:!

There is even a badge now: DOI.