An embassy on the headquarter star would be a logical prerequisite build to bring in diplomacy builds and tools. A Madness-type universe view, showing where empires are in relation to each other--basically a second level to Tactical View would be nice. Allow building courier ships to open negotiations with natives and/or enemy empires would work. Open Trade legations as prereq to having contracts converting excess minerals/food/ships. A stock market option maybe, or just being able to build Merchant ships? Maybe do it similar to the Empire panes, Separately, or maybe just another functions tab within Empire.
An embassy on the headquarter star would be a logical prerequisite build to bring in diplomacy builds and tools. A Madness-type universe view, showing where empires are in relation to each other--basically a second level to Tactical View would be nice. Allow building courier ships to open negotiations with natives and/or enemy empires would work. Open Trade legations as prereq to having contracts converting excess minerals/food/ships. A stock market option maybe, or just being able to build Merchant ships? Maybe do it similar to the Empire panes, Separately, or maybe just another functions tab within Empire.