codeling / bfstop

Brute Force Stop Plugin (for Joomla!)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How i can see the alerte WARNING with a other menu connexion BT Login Module #130

Closed ZerooCool closed 8 years ago

ZerooCool commented 8 years ago

I don't have the alert, with the module BT Login. Then, with the normal connexion module, bfstop work good with a popup alerte, WARNING.

With a other connexion module, i don't see the popup WARNING .... 5 test .... 4 test .... 3 test ... you are blocked ... This popup, the user not see, with the BT Login module. ->

This mod is nice, please, look this, if you have the time.

codeling commented 8 years ago

This probably means that this BT login module doesn't show the message placeholder, or for some other reason hides Joomla messages. You probably also don't get the "Username or password incorrect or don't exist" message, right? Nothing I can do here. I just add the warnings through proper Joomla API's. Please report this with the BT login module.

ZerooCool commented 8 years ago

Hum Ok, i test send this issue to the BTLoginModule Team.