codemancers / rbkit-chartjs

experimenting with rbkit-chartjs
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custom chartjs type #1

Open iffyuva opened 9 years ago

iffyuva commented 9 years ago

right now, we use bar chart for showing gc start and gc end time. gc start and end times always do not happen with fixed time duration. so, we need a custom chart where width of bars are different.

gnufied commented 9 years ago

I was thinking gc timing will be simply shown as Bar chart with, height of chart representing representing time it took for GC.

On X axis, we will simply have a counter of number of Garbage collections. As in one number for each time gc has happened, so something like - "1,2,3,4,5,6".. on X axis. A number for each time.

Obviously this means that - this chart will not be updated with time, but will rather update on gc_end event only.

iffyuva commented 9 years ago

i think this makes more sense. this way, we can show more gc stats over a period of time.