codemanki / cloudscraper

--DEPRECATED -- 🛑 🛑 Node.js library to bypass cloudflare's anti-ddos page
MIT License
599 stars 139 forks source link


Closed KnowledgeGuy0x00 closed 4 years ago

KnowledgeGuy0x00 commented 4 years ago

how to run this script !!!

'use strict';

const requestModule = require('request-promise'); const sandbox = require('./lib/sandbox'); const decodeEmails = require('./lib/email-decode.js'); const { getDefaultHeaders, caseless } = require('./lib/headers'); const brotli = require('./lib/brotli'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const { deprecate } = require('util');

const { RequestError, CaptchaError, CloudflareError, ParserError } = require('./errors');

let debugging = false;

const HOST = Symbol('host');

module.exports =;

function defaults (params) { // isCloudScraper === !isRequestModule const isRequestModule = this === requestModule;

let defaultParams = (!isRequestModule && this.defaultParams) || { requester: requestModule, // Cookies should be enabled jar: requestModule.jar(), headers: getDefaultHeaders({ Host: HOST }), // Reduce Cloudflare's timeout to cloudflareMaxTimeout if it is excessive cloudflareMaxTimeout: 30000, // followAllRedirects - follow non-GET HTTP 3xx responses as redirects followAllRedirects: true, // Support only this max challenges in row. If CF returns more, throw an error challengesToSolve: 3, // Remove Cloudflare's email protection decodeEmails: false, // Support gzip encoded responses gzip: true, agentOptions: { // Removes a few problematic TLSv1.0 ciphers to avoid CAPTCHA ciphers: crypto.constants.defaultCipherList + ':!ECDHE+SHA:!AES128-SHA' } };

// Object.assign requires at least nodejs v4, request only test/supports v6+ defaultParams = Object.assign({}, defaultParams, params);

const cloudscraper = requestModule.defaults .call(this, defaultParams, function (options) { validateRequest(options); return performRequest(options, true); });

// There's no safety net here, any changes apply to all future requests // that are made with this instance and derived instances. cloudscraper.defaultParams = defaultParams;

// Ensure this instance gets a copy of our custom defaults function // and afterwards, it will be copied over automatically. if (isRequestModule) { cloudscraper.defaults = defaults; }

// Expose the debug option Object.defineProperty(cloudscraper, 'debug', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, set (value) { requestModule.debug = debugging = true; }, get () { return debugging; } });

return cloudscraper; }

function validateRequest (options) { // Prevent overwriting realEncoding in subsequent calls if (!('realEncoding' in options)) { // Can't just do the normal options.encoding || 'utf8' // because null is a valid encoding. if ('encoding' in options) { options.realEncoding = options.encoding; } else { options.realEncoding = 'utf8'; } }

options.encoding = null;

if (isNaN(options.challengesToSolve)) { throw new TypeError('Expected challengesToSolve option to be a number, ' + 'got ' + typeof (options.challengesToSolve) + ' instead.'); }

if (isNaN(options.cloudflareMaxTimeout)) { throw new TypeError('Expected cloudflareMaxTimeout option to be a number, ' + 'got ' + typeof (options.cloudflareMaxTimeout) + ' instead.'); }

if (typeof options.requester !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected requester option to be a function, got ' + typeof (options.requester) + ' instead.'); } }

// This function is wrapped to ensure that we get new options on first call. // The options object is reused in subsequent calls when calling it directly. function performRequest (options, isFirstRequest) { // This should be the default export of either request or request-promise. const requester = options.requester;

// Note that request is always an instanceof ReadableStream, EventEmitter // If the requester is request-promise, it is also thenable. const request = requester(options);

// We must define the host header ourselves to preserve case and order. if (request.getHeader('host') === HOST) { request.setHeader('host',; }

// If the requester is not request-promise, ensure we get a callback. if (typeof request.callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected a callback function, got ' + typeof (request.callback) + ' instead.'); }

// We only need the callback from the first request. // The other callbacks can be safely ignored. if (isFirstRequest) { // This should be a user supplied callback or request-promise's callback. // The callback is always wrapped/bound to the request instance. options.callback = request.callback; }

request.removeAllListeners('error') .once('error', function (error) { onRequestResponse(options, error); });

request.removeAllListeners('complete') .once('complete', function (response, body) { onRequestResponse(options, null, response, body); });

// Indicate that this is a cloudscraper request request.cloudscraper = true; return request; }

// The argument convention is options first where possible, options // always before response, and body always after response. function onRequestResponse (options, error, response, body) { const callback = options.callback;

// Encoding is null so body should be a buffer object if (error || !body || !body.toString) { // Pure request error (bad connection, wrong url, etc) return callback(new RequestError(error, options, response)); }

const headers = caseless(response.headers);

response.responseStartTime =; response.isCloudflare = /^(cloudflare|sucuri)/i.test('' + headers.server); response.isHTML = /text\/html/i.test('' + headers['content-type']);

// If body isn't a buffer, this is a custom response body. if (!Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { return callback(null, response, body); }

// Decompress brotli compressed responses if (/\bbr\b/i.test('' + headers['content-encoding'])) { if (!brotli.isAvailable) { const cause = 'Received a Brotli compressed response. Please install brotli'; return callback(new RequestError(cause, options, response)); }

try {
  response.body = body = brotli.decompress(body);
} catch (error) {
  return callback(new RequestError(error, options, response));

// Request doesn't handle brotli and would've failed to parse JSON.
if (options.json) {
  try {
    response.body = body = JSON.parse(body, response.request._jsonReviver);
    // If successful, this isn't a challenge.
    return callback(null, response, body);
  } catch (error) {
    // Request's debug will log the failure, no need to duplicate.


if (response.isCloudflare && response.isHTML) { onCloudflareResponse(options, response, body); } else { onRequestComplete(options, response, body); } }

function onCloudflareResponse (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback;

if (body.length < 1) { // This is a 4xx-5xx Cloudflare response with an empty body. return callback(new CloudflareError(response.statusCode, options, response)); }

const stringBody = body.toString('utf8');

try { validateResponse(options, response, stringBody); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof CaptchaError && typeof options.onCaptcha === 'function') { // Give users a chance to solve the reCAPTCHA via services such as return onCaptcha(options, response, stringBody); }

return callback(error);


const isChallenge = stringBody.indexOf('a = document.getElementById(\'jschl-answer\');') !== -1;

if (isChallenge) { return onChallenge(options, response, stringBody); }

const isRedirectChallenge = stringBody.indexOf('You are being redirected') !== -1 || stringBody.indexOf('sucuri_cloudproxy_js') !== -1;

if (isRedirectChallenge) { return onRedirectChallenge(options, response, stringBody); }

// 503 status is always a challenge if (response.statusCode === 503) { return onChallenge(options, response, stringBody); }

// All is good onRequestComplete(options, response, body); }

function detectRecaptchaVersion (body) { // New version > Dec 2019 if (/__cf_chl_captcha_tk__=(.*)/i.test(body)) { // Test for ver2 first, as it also has ver2 fields return 'ver2'; // Old version < Dec 2019 } else if (body.indexOf('why_captcha') !== -1 || /cdn-cgi\/l\/chk_captcha/i.test(body)) { return 'ver1'; }

return false; }

function validateResponse (options, response, body) { // Finding captcha // Old version < Dec 2019 const recaptchaVer = detectRecaptchaVersion(body); if (recaptchaVer) { // Convenience boolean response.isCaptcha = true; throw new CaptchaError('captcha', options, response); }

// Trying to find '1006' const match = body.match(/<\w+\s+class="cf-error-code">(.*)<\/\w+>/i);

if (match) { const code = parseInt(match[1]); throw new CloudflareError(code, options, response); }

return false; }

function onChallenge (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback; const uri = response.request.uri; // The query string to send back to Cloudflare const payload = { / s, jschl_vc, pass, jschl_answer / };

let cause; let error;

if (options.challengesToSolve === 0) { cause = 'Cloudflare challenge loop'; error = new CloudflareError(cause, options, response); error.errorType = 4;

return callback(error);


let timeout = parseInt(options.cloudflareTimeout); let match;

match = body.match(/name="(.+?)" value="(.+?)"/);

if (match) { const hiddenInputName = match[1]; payload[hiddenInputName] = match[2]; }

match = body.match(/name="jschl_vc" value="(\w+)"/); if (!match) { cause = 'challengeId (jschl_vc) extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

payload.jschl_vc = match[1];

match = body.match(/name="pass" value="(.+?)"/); if (!match) { cause = 'Attribute (pass) value extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

payload.pass = match[1];

match = body.match(/getElementById('cf-content')[\s\S]+?setTimeout.+?\r?\n([\s\S]+?a.value\s=.+?)\r?\n(?:[^{<>]},\s*(\d{4,}))?/); if (!match) { cause = 'setTimeout callback extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

if (isNaN(timeout)) { if (match[2] !== undefined) { timeout = parseInt(match[2]);

  if (timeout > options.cloudflareMaxTimeout) {
    if (debugging) {
      console.warn('Cloudflare\'s timeout is excessive: ' + (timeout / 1000) + 's');

    timeout = options.cloudflareMaxTimeout;
} else {
  cause = 'Failed to parse challenge timeout';
  return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response));


// Append a.value so it's always returned from the vm response.challenge = match[1] + '; a.value';

try { const ctx = new sandbox.Context({ hostname: uri.hostname, body }); payload.jschl_answer = sandbox.eval(response.challenge, ctx); } catch (error) { error.message = 'Challenge evaluation failed: ' + error.message; return callback(new ParserError(error, options, response)); }

if (isNaN(payload.jschl_answer)) { cause = 'Challenge answer is not a number'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

// Prevent reusing the headers object to simplify unit testing. options.headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers); // Use the original uri as the referer and to construct the answer uri. options.headers.Referer = uri.href; // Check is form to be submitted via GET or POST match = body.match(/id="challenge-form" action="(.+?)" method="(.+?)"/); if (match && match[2] && match[2] === 'POST') { options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + match[1]; // Pass the payload using body form options.form = payload; options.method = 'POST'; } else { // Whatever is there, fallback to GET options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + '/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl'; // Pass the payload using query string options.qs = payload; } // Decrement the number of challenges to solve. options.challengesToSolve -= 1; // baseUrl can't be used in conjunction with an absolute uri if (options.baseUrl !== undefined) { options.baseUrl = undefined; }

// Make request with answer after delay. timeout -= - response.responseStartTime; setTimeout(performRequest, timeout, options, false); }

// Parses the reCAPTCHA form and hands control over to the user function onCaptcha (options, response, body) { const recaptchaVer = detectRecaptchaVersion(body); const isRecaptchaVer2 = recaptchaVer === 'ver2'; const callback = options.callback; // UDF that has the responsibility of returning control back to cloudscraper const handler = options.onCaptcha; // The form data to send back to Cloudflare const payload = { / r|s, g-re-captcha-response / };

let cause; let match;

match = body.match(/<form(?: [^<>])? id=["']?challenge-form['"]?(?: [^<>])?>([\S\s]*?)<\/form>/); if (!match) { cause = 'Challenge form extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

const form = match[1];

let siteKey; let rayId; // only for ver 2

if (isRecaptchaVer2) { match = body.match(/\sdata-ray=["']?([^\s"'<>&]+)/); if (!match) { cause = 'Unable to find cloudflare ray id'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); } rayId = match[1]; }

match = body.match(/\sdata-sitekey=["']?([^\s"'<>&]+)/); if (match) { siteKey = match[1]; } else { const keys = []; const re = /\/recaptcha\/api2?\/(?:fallback|anchor|bframe)\?(?:[^\s<>]+&(?:amp;)?)?[Kk]=["']?([^\s"'<>&]+)/g;

while ((match = re.exec(body)) !== null) {
  // Prioritize the explicit fallback siteKey over other matches
  if (match[0].indexOf('fallback') !== -1) {
    if (!debugging) break;
  } else {

siteKey = keys[0];

if (!siteKey) {
  cause = 'Unable to find the reCAPTCHA site key';
  return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response));

if (debugging) {
  console.warn('Failed to find data-sitekey, using a fallback:', keys);


// Everything that is needed to solve the reCAPTCHA response.captcha = { siteKey, uri: response.request.uri, form: payload, version: recaptchaVer };

if (isRecaptchaVer2) { response.rayId = rayId;

match = body.match(/id="challenge-form" action="(.+?)" method="(.+?)"/);
if (!match) {
  cause = 'Challenge form action and method extraction failed';
  return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response));
response.captcha.formMethod = match[2];
match = match[1].match(/\/(.*)/);
response.captcha.formActionUri = match[0]; = rayId;


Object.defineProperty(response.captcha, 'url', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: deprecate(function () { return response.request.uri.href; }, 'captcha.url is deprecated. Please use captcha.uri instead.') });

// Adding formData match = form.match(/<input(?: [^<>]*)? name=[^<>]+>/g); if (!match) { cause = 'Challenge form is missing inputs'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

const inputs = match; // Only adding inputs that have both a name and value defined for (let name, value, i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { name = inputs[i].match(/name=["']?([^\s"'<>])/); if (name) { value = inputs[i].match(/value=["']?([^\s"'<>])/); if (value) { payload[name[1]] = value[1]; } } }

// Sanity check if (!payload.s && !payload.r) { cause = 'Challenge form is missing secret input'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

if (debugging) { console.warn('Captcha:', response.captcha); }

// The callback used to green light form submission const submit = function (error) { if (error) { // Pass an user defined error back to the original request call return callback(new CaptchaError(error, options, response)); }

onSubmitCaptcha(options, response);


// This seems like an okay-ish API (fewer arguments to the handler) response.captcha.submit = submit;

// We're handing control over to the user now. const thenable = handler(options, response, body); // Handle the case where the user returns a promise if (thenable && typeof thenable.then === 'function') { // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return thenable.then(submit, function (error) { if (!error) { // The user broke their promise with a falsy error submit(new Error('Falsy error')); } else { submit(error); } }); } }

function onSubmitCaptcha (options, response) { const callback = options.callback; const uri = response.request.uri; const isRecaptchaVer2 = response.captcha.version === 'ver2';

if (!response.captcha.form['g-recaptcha-response']) { const cause = 'Form submission without g-recaptcha-response'; return callback(new CaptchaError(cause, options, response)); }

if (isRecaptchaVer2) { options.qs = { cf_chl_captcha_tk: response.captcha.formActionUri.match(/cf_chl_captcha_tk=(.*)/)[1] };

options.form = response.captcha.form;

} else { options.qs = response.captcha.form; }

options.method = response.captcha.formMethod || 'GET';

// Prevent reusing the headers object to simplify unit testing. options.headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers); // Use the original uri as the referer and to construct the form action. options.headers.Referer = uri.href; if (isRecaptchaVer2) { options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + response.captcha.formActionUri; } else { options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + '/cdn-cgi/l/chk_captcha'; }

performRequest(options, false); }

function onRedirectChallenge (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback; const uri = response.request.uri;

const match = body.match(/S='([^']+)'/); if (!match) { const cause = 'Cookie code extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

const base64EncodedCode = match[1]; response.challenge = Buffer.from(base64EncodedCode, 'base64').toString('ascii');

try { // Evaluate cookie setting code const ctx = new sandbox.Context(); sandbox.eval(response.challenge, ctx);

options.jar.setCookie(ctx.document.cookie, uri.href, { ignoreError: true });

} catch (error) { error.message = 'Cookie code evaluation failed: ' + error.message; return callback(new ParserError(error, options, response)); }

options.challengesToSolve -= 1;

performRequest(options, false); }

function onRequestComplete (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback;

if (typeof options.realEncoding === 'string') { body = body.toString(options.realEncoding); // The resolveWithFullResponse option will resolve with the response // object. This changes the response.body so it is as expected.

if (response.isHTML && options.decodeEmails) {
  body = decodeEmails(body);

response.body = body;


callback(null, response, body); }

codemanki commented 4 years ago

@ariyantaheri728 for this you would need to learn javascript and node.js. Do not mean to be rude, but you have to know those things to run cloudscraper or similar libraries

KnowledgeGuy0x00 commented 4 years ago

@ariyantaheri728 for this you would need to learn javascript and node.js. Do not mean to be rude, but you have to know those things to run cloudscraper or similar libraries

i have website that i should test on it and check the security power pls help me man i will pray you.

KnowledgeGuy0x00 commented 4 years ago

just give me tips what should i do! PLS man