codemanki / cloudscraper

--DEPRECATED -- 🛑 🛑 Node.js library to bypass cloudflare's anti-ddos page
MIT License
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run script #317

Closed KnowledgeGuy0x00 closed 4 years ago

KnowledgeGuy0x00 commented 4 years ago

hello how can i run this script pls help me i dont know the execute code in cmd

'use strict';

const requestModule = require('request-promise'); const sandbox = require('./lib/sandbox'); const decodeEmails = require('./lib/email-decode.js'); const { getDefaultHeaders, caseless } = require('./lib/headers'); const brotli = require('./lib/brotli'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const { deprecate } = require('util');

const { RequestError, CaptchaError, CloudflareError, ParserError } = require('./errors');

let debugging = false;

const HOST = Symbol('host');

module.exports =;

function defaults (params) { // isCloudScraper === !isRequestModule const isRequestModule = this === requestModule;

let defaultParams = (!isRequestModule && this.defaultParams) || { requester: requestModule, // Cookies should be enabled jar: requestModule.jar(), headers: getDefaultHeaders({ Host: HOST }), // Reduce Cloudflare's timeout to cloudflareMaxTimeout if it is excessive cloudflareMaxTimeout: 30000, // followAllRedirects - follow non-GET HTTP 3xx responses as redirects followAllRedirects: true, // Support only this max challenges in row. If CF returns more, throw an error challengesToSolve: 3, // Remove Cloudflare's email protection decodeEmails: false, // Support gzip encoded responses gzip: true, agentOptions: { // Removes a few problematic TLSv1.0 ciphers to avoid CAPTCHA ciphers: crypto.constants.defaultCipherList + ':!ECDHE+SHA:!AES128-SHA' } };

// Object.assign requires at least nodejs v4, request only test/supports v6+ defaultParams = Object.assign({}, defaultParams, params);

const cloudscraper = requestModule.defaults .call(this, defaultParams, function (options) { validateRequest(options); return performRequest(options, true); });

// There's no safety net here, any changes apply to all future requests // that are made with this instance and derived instances. cloudscraper.defaultParams = defaultParams;

// Ensure this instance gets a copy of our custom defaults function // and afterwards, it will be copied over automatically. if (isRequestModule) { cloudscraper.defaults = defaults; }

// Expose the debug option Object.defineProperty(cloudscraper, 'debug', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, set (value) { requestModule.debug = debugging = true; }, get () { return debugging; } });

return cloudscraper; }

function validateRequest (options) { // Prevent overwriting realEncoding in subsequent calls if (!('realEncoding' in options)) { // Can't just do the normal options.encoding || 'utf8' // because null is a valid encoding. if ('encoding' in options) { options.realEncoding = options.encoding; } else { options.realEncoding = 'utf8'; } }

options.encoding = null;

if (isNaN(options.challengesToSolve)) { throw new TypeError('Expected challengesToSolve option to be a number, ' + 'got ' + typeof (options.challengesToSolve) + ' instead.'); }

if (isNaN(options.cloudflareMaxTimeout)) { throw new TypeError('Expected cloudflareMaxTimeout option to be a number, ' + 'got ' + typeof (options.cloudflareMaxTimeout) + ' instead.'); }

if (typeof options.requester !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected requester option to be a function, got ' + typeof (options.requester) + ' instead.'); } }

// This function is wrapped to ensure that we get new options on first call. // The options object is reused in subsequent calls when calling it directly. function performRequest (options, isFirstRequest) { // This should be the default export of either request or request-promise. const requester = options.requester;

// Note that request is always an instanceof ReadableStream, EventEmitter // If the requester is request-promise, it is also thenable. const request = requester(options);

// We must define the host header ourselves to preserve case and order. if (request.getHeader('host') === HOST) { request.setHeader('host',; }

// If the requester is not request-promise, ensure we get a callback. if (typeof request.callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected a callback function, got ' + typeof (request.callback) + ' instead.'); }

// We only need the callback from the first request. // The other callbacks can be safely ignored. if (isFirstRequest) { // This should be a user supplied callback or request-promise's callback. // The callback is always wrapped/bound to the request instance. options.callback = request.callback; }

request.removeAllListeners('error') .once('error', function (error) { onRequestResponse(options, error); });

request.removeAllListeners('complete') .once('complete', function (response, body) { onRequestResponse(options, null, response, body); });

// Indicate that this is a cloudscraper request request.cloudscraper = true; return request; }

// The argument convention is options first where possible, options // always before response, and body always after response. function onRequestResponse (options, error, response, body) { const callback = options.callback;

// Encoding is null so body should be a buffer object if (error || !body || !body.toString) { // Pure request error (bad connection, wrong url, etc) return callback(new RequestError(error, options, response)); }

const headers = caseless(response.headers);

response.responseStartTime =; response.isCloudflare = /^(cloudflare|sucuri)/i.test('' + headers.server); response.isHTML = /text\/html/i.test('' + headers['content-type']);

// If body isn't a buffer, this is a custom response body. if (!Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { return callback(null, response, body); }

// Decompress brotli compressed responses if (/\bbr\b/i.test('' + headers['content-encoding'])) { if (!brotli.isAvailable) { const cause = 'Received a Brotli compressed response. Please install brotli'; return callback(new RequestError(cause, options, response)); }

try {
  response.body = body = brotli.decompress(body);
} catch (error) {
  return callback(new RequestError(error, options, response));

// Request doesn't handle brotli and would've failed to parse JSON.
if (options.json) {
  try {
    response.body = body = JSON.parse(body, response.request._jsonReviver);
    // If successful, this isn't a challenge.
    return callback(null, response, body);
  } catch (error) {
    // Request's debug will log the failure, no need to duplicate.


if (response.isCloudflare && response.isHTML) { onCloudflareResponse(options, response, body); } else { onRequestComplete(options, response, body); } }

function onCloudflareResponse (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback;

if (body.length < 1) { // This is a 4xx-5xx Cloudflare response with an empty body. return callback(new CloudflareError(response.statusCode, options, response)); }

const stringBody = body.toString('utf8');

try { validateResponse(options, response, stringBody); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof CaptchaError && typeof options.onCaptcha === 'function') { // Give users a chance to solve the reCAPTCHA via services such as return onCaptcha(options, response, stringBody); }

return callback(error);


const isChallenge = stringBody.indexOf('a = document.getElementById(\'jschl-answer\');') !== -1;

if (isChallenge) { return onChallenge(options, response, stringBody); }

const isRedirectChallenge = stringBody.indexOf('You are being redirected') !== -1 || stringBody.indexOf('sucuri_cloudproxy_js') !== -1;

if (isRedirectChallenge) { return onRedirectChallenge(options, response, stringBody); }

// 503 status is always a challenge if (response.statusCode === 503) { return onChallenge(options, response, stringBody); }

// All is good onRequestComplete(options, response, body); }

function detectRecaptchaVersion (body) { // New version > Dec 2019 if (/__cf_chl_captcha_tk__=(.*)/i.test(body)) { // Test for ver2 first, as it also has ver2 fields return 'ver2'; // Old version < Dec 2019 } else if (body.indexOf('why_captcha') !== -1 || /cdn-cgi\/l\/chk_captcha/i.test(body)) { return 'ver1'; }

return false; }

function validateResponse (options, response, body) { // Finding captcha // Old version < Dec 2019 const recaptchaVer = detectRecaptchaVersion(body); if (recaptchaVer) { // Convenience boolean response.isCaptcha = true; throw new CaptchaError('captcha', options, response); }

// Trying to find '1006' const match = body.match(/<\w+\s+class="cf-error-code">(.*)<\/\w+>/i);

if (match) { const code = parseInt(match[1]); throw new CloudflareError(code, options, response); }

return false; }

function onChallenge (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback; const uri = response.request.uri; // The query string to send back to Cloudflare const payload = { / s, jschl_vc, pass, jschl_answer / };

let cause; let error;

if (options.challengesToSolve === 0) { cause = 'Cloudflare challenge loop'; error = new CloudflareError(cause, options, response); error.errorType = 4;

return callback(error);


let timeout = parseInt(options.cloudflareTimeout); let match;

match = body.match(/name="(.+?)" value="(.+?)"/);

if (match) { const hiddenInputName = match[1]; payload[hiddenInputName] = match[2]; }

match = body.match(/name="jschl_vc" value="(\w+)"/); if (!match) { cause = 'challengeId (jschl_vc) extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

payload.jschl_vc = match[1];

match = body.match(/name="pass" value="(.+?)"/); if (!match) { cause = 'Attribute (pass) value extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

payload.pass = match[1];

match = body.match(/getElementById('cf-content')[\s\S]+?setTimeout.+?\r?\n([\s\S]+?a.value\s=.+?)\r?\n(?:[^{<>]},\s*(\d{4,}))?/); if (!match) { cause = 'setTimeout callback extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

if (isNaN(timeout)) { if (match[2] !== undefined) { timeout = parseInt(match[2]);

  if (timeout > options.cloudflareMaxTimeout) {
    if (debugging) {
      console.warn('Cloudflare\'s timeout is excessive: ' + (timeout / 1000) + 's');

    timeout = options.cloudflareMaxTimeout;
} else {
  cause = 'Failed to parse challenge timeout';
  return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response));


// Append a.value so it's always returned from the vm response.challenge = match[1] + '; a.value';

try { const ctx = new sandbox.Context({ hostname: uri.hostname, body }); payload.jschl_answer = sandbox.eval(response.challenge, ctx); } catch (error) { error.message = 'Challenge evaluation failed: ' + error.message; return callback(new ParserError(error, options, response)); }

if (isNaN(payload.jschl_answer)) { cause = 'Challenge answer is not a number'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

// Prevent reusing the headers object to simplify unit testing. options.headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers); // Use the original uri as the referer and to construct the answer uri. options.headers.Referer = uri.href; // Check is form to be submitted via GET or POST match = body.match(/id="challenge-form" action="(.+?)" method="(.+?)"/); if (match && match[2] && match[2] === 'POST') { options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + match[1]; // Pass the payload using body form options.form = payload; options.method = 'POST'; } else { // Whatever is there, fallback to GET options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + '/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl'; // Pass the payload using query string options.qs = payload; } // Decrement the number of challenges to solve. options.challengesToSolve -= 1; // baseUrl can't be used in conjunction with an absolute uri if (options.baseUrl !== undefined) { options.baseUrl = undefined; }

// Make request with answer after delay. timeout -= - response.responseStartTime; setTimeout(performRequest, timeout, options, false); }

// Parses the reCAPTCHA form and hands control over to the user function onCaptcha (options, response, body) { const recaptchaVer = detectRecaptchaVersion(body); const isRecaptchaVer2 = recaptchaVer === 'ver2'; const callback = options.callback; // UDF that has the responsibility of returning control back to cloudscraper const handler = options.onCaptcha; // The form data to send back to Cloudflare const payload = { / r|s, g-re-captcha-response / };

let cause; let match;

match = body.match(/<form(?: [^<>])? id=["']?challenge-form['"]?(?: [^<>])?>([\S\s]*?)<\/form>/); if (!match) { cause = 'Challenge form extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

const form = match[1];

let siteKey; let rayId; // only for ver 2

if (isRecaptchaVer2) { match = body.match(/\sdata-ray=["']?([^\s"'<>&]+)/); if (!match) { cause = 'Unable to find cloudflare ray id'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); } rayId = match[1]; }

match = body.match(/\sdata-sitekey=["']?([^\s"'<>&]+)/); if (match) { siteKey = match[1]; } else { const keys = []; const re = /\/recaptcha\/api2?\/(?:fallback|anchor|bframe)\?(?:[^\s<>]+&(?:amp;)?)?[Kk]=["']?([^\s"'<>&]+)/g;

while ((match = re.exec(body)) !== null) {
  // Prioritize the explicit fallback siteKey over other matches
  if (match[0].indexOf('fallback') !== -1) {
    if (!debugging) break;
  } else {

siteKey = keys[0];

if (!siteKey) {
  cause = 'Unable to find the reCAPTCHA site key';
  return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response));

if (debugging) {
  console.warn('Failed to find data-sitekey, using a fallback:', keys);


// Everything that is needed to solve the reCAPTCHA response.captcha = { siteKey, uri: response.request.uri, form: payload, version: recaptchaVer };

if (isRecaptchaVer2) { response.rayId = rayId;

match = body.match(/id="challenge-form" action="(.+?)" method="(.+?)"/);
if (!match) {
  cause = 'Challenge form action and method extraction failed';
  return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response));
response.captcha.formMethod = match[2];
match = match[1].match(/\/(.*)/);
response.captcha.formActionUri = match[0]; = rayId;


Object.defineProperty(response.captcha, 'url', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: deprecate(function () { return response.request.uri.href; }, 'captcha.url is deprecated. Please use captcha.uri instead.') });

// Adding formData match = form.match(/<input(?: [^<>]*)? name=[^<>]+>/g); if (!match) { cause = 'Challenge form is missing inputs'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

const inputs = match; // Only adding inputs that have both a name and value defined for (let name, value, i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { name = inputs[i].match(/name=["']?([^\s"'<>])/); if (name) { value = inputs[i].match(/value=["']?([^\s"'<>])/); if (value) { payload[name[1]] = value[1]; } } }

// Sanity check if (!payload.s && !payload.r) { cause = 'Challenge form is missing secret input'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

if (debugging) { console.warn('Captcha:', response.captcha); }

// The callback used to green light form submission const submit = function (error) { if (error) { // Pass an user defined error back to the original request call return callback(new CaptchaError(error, options, response)); }

onSubmitCaptcha(options, response);


// This seems like an okay-ish API (fewer arguments to the handler) response.captcha.submit = submit;

// We're handing control over to the user now. const thenable = handler(options, response, body); // Handle the case where the user returns a promise if (thenable && typeof thenable.then === 'function') { // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return thenable.then(submit, function (error) { if (!error) { // The user broke their promise with a falsy error submit(new Error('Falsy error')); } else { submit(error); } }); } }

function onSubmitCaptcha (options, response) { const callback = options.callback; const uri = response.request.uri; const isRecaptchaVer2 = response.captcha.version === 'ver2';

if (!response.captcha.form['g-recaptcha-response']) { const cause = 'Form submission without g-recaptcha-response'; return callback(new CaptchaError(cause, options, response)); }

if (isRecaptchaVer2) { options.qs = { cf_chl_captcha_tk: response.captcha.formActionUri.match(/cf_chl_captcha_tk=(.*)/)[1] };

options.form = response.captcha.form;

} else { options.qs = response.captcha.form; }

options.method = response.captcha.formMethod || 'GET';

// Prevent reusing the headers object to simplify unit testing. options.headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers); // Use the original uri as the referer and to construct the form action. options.headers.Referer = uri.href; if (isRecaptchaVer2) { options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + response.captcha.formActionUri; } else { options.uri = uri.protocol + '//' + + '/cdn-cgi/l/chk_captcha'; }

performRequest(options, false); }

function onRedirectChallenge (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback; const uri = response.request.uri;

const match = body.match(/S='([^']+)'/); if (!match) { const cause = 'Cookie code extraction failed'; return callback(new ParserError(cause, options, response)); }

const base64EncodedCode = match[1]; response.challenge = Buffer.from(base64EncodedCode, 'base64').toString('ascii');

try { // Evaluate cookie setting code const ctx = new sandbox.Context(); sandbox.eval(response.challenge, ctx);

options.jar.setCookie(ctx.document.cookie, uri.href, { ignoreError: true });

} catch (error) { error.message = 'Cookie code evaluation failed: ' + error.message; return callback(new ParserError(error, options, response)); }

options.challengesToSolve -= 1;

performRequest(options, false); }

function onRequestComplete (options, response, body) { const callback = options.callback;

if (typeof options.realEncoding === 'string') { body = body.toString(options.realEncoding); // The resolveWithFullResponse option will resolve with the response // object. This changes the response.body so it is as expected.

if (response.isHTML && options.decodeEmails) {
  body = decodeEmails(body);

response.body = body;


callback(null, response, body); }