codemation / easyauth

Create a centralized Authentication and Authorization token server. Easily secure FastAPI endpoints based on Users, Groups, Roles or Permissions with very little database usage.
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How to add routes of APIRouter to easy auth api router #99

Open aghure opened 1 year ago

aghure commented 1 year ago

I am trying to use easy auth with fast api class base view. To do the same , i need to have APIRouter.routes type property to easyAuthAPIRouter. Is there any way to add the same to EasyAuthAPIRouter.

codemation commented 1 year ago

Hello @aghure , every EasyAuthAPIRouter has an api_router attribute which is a direct reference to the APIRouter instance created, perhaps you can reference the routes property here? If that does not work for you, I would need a more substantial code example of what you are trying to accomplish along with additional context.

aghure commented 1 year ago

Hi @codemation I am trying to use the EasyAuthAPIRouter with class base views. Adding example below about what i am trying to do and adding sample output below.

import logging
from sqlalchemy.orm import  Session
from fastapi import APIRouter, Request, Body ,Depends
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse

from fastapi_utils.cbv import cbv
from ml_app.core import  get_db
from easyauth.router import  EasyAuthAPIRouter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
test_cbv_router = EasyAuthAPIRouter.create(prefix='/finance', tags=['finance'])
@cbv(test_cbv_router.server)  # Step 2: Create and decorate a class to hold the endpoints
class TestCBV:

    db_session : Session = Depends(get_db)"/test")
    def test_url(self,request: Request):
        return  JSONResponse({'status':'ok'})
def existing_contact(request: Request,db_session: Session = Depends(get_db)):

    result = dict()
    result["result_data"] = ["contact_list"]
    result["tmpl_name"] = "existing.html"
    return  result


The @cbv is class base view router of, it needs APIRouter() instance to add the routes in the app. We want to use EasyAuthAPIRouter with class base views. So with EasyAuthAPIRouter.server we get APIRouter() , but CBV is adding it in base app . Here I have highlighted the URL issues happening because of the same.