codemirror / codemirror5

In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)
MIT License
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No Vertical scrollbar in IE11 #5274

Open jjz-tonesoft opened 6 years ago

jjz-tonesoft commented 6 years ago

I realize this is a stretch because I can't give you a decent demo to test with. We use GWT/GXT environment and I have our codeMirror class extending a gxt field.

I initialize codeMirror thusly var element = $doc.getElementById(id); var theCM = $wnd.CodeMirror.fromTextArea( element, { mode: cmOptions["mode"], readOnly: cmOptions["readOnly"], lineNumbers: cmOptions["lineNumbers"], lineWrapping: cmOptions["lineWrapping"], value: cmOptions["value"], viewportMargin: Infinity } );

There are no issues in old or new firefox's, chrome or Edge .. but for some reason IE 11 shows no scrollbar (and mouse wheel doesn't scroll either).

Anyone have any ideas I can try? Thanks

marijnh commented 6 years ago

Check if the element with the class CodeMirror-scroll still has the overflow: scroll style. Other than that, I can't suggest much, except trying to reproduce this in a simplified way.