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Bracket highlighting not working for multiple-line Python string literal concatenation #1454

Closed Nagidrop closed 1 month ago

Nagidrop commented 1 month ago

Describe the issue

When you have multiple strings on each line with at least 1 f-string that isn't on the last line, bracket highlighting doesn't work although it's valid Python string literal concatenation syntax. Bracket highlighting works properly if the f-string is on the last line.

Here's a video with the issue:

I think it could be a regression issue as the issue is there on but not on the older CodeMirror 5 Python mode

Browser and platform

JupyterLab Desktop 4.2.5-1, Windows 11

Reproduction link

marijnh commented 1 month ago

The sandbox was using an old version of @lezer/python. Upgrading seems to have fixed this.