codenameone / CodenameOne

Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web.
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Request For Enhancement : how tout change the validation contraint error message on TextField codenameone component when setting a UID on the TextField component. #1604

Open moussah opened 8 years ago

moussah commented 8 years ago

Nov 5 Sorry what l mean is how tout change the validation constraint color error message on the TextField CodenameOne component. What l did is l set a UID on my TextField component but when the value inserted inside the textfield component it not correct it display the texte whith a black color rather than rend color. Here is my code TextField email = new TextField(); email.setHint("email adresse); email.setConstraint(TextArea.EMAILADDR); email.getHintLabel.setUIID("SingUpField"); email.setUIID("SignUpField"); centre.addComponent(email);

Burton getStarted = new Burton("Registre"); getStarted.setGap(getStarted.getStyle().getFont().getHeigt()); getStarted.setUIID("SignUpButton");

Validator validator = new Validator(); validator.addConstraint(firstName,new LengthConstraint(2)). addConstraint(email,RegexConstraint.validEmail());


codenameone commented 8 years ago

That is determined by the error UIID, this isn't an issue as much as a question. You should refer that to StackOverflow or our discussion group for help.

moussah commented 8 years ago

i already submit this preoccupation on the forum. You are the one redirect me here

codenameone commented 8 years ago

Sorry I don't recall that, can you please provide a link to a relevant forum thread since I don't see how the description matches that?