codenameone / CodenameOne

Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web.
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Geofence handling with the CodeName One UI Simulator #1695

Open CraigRLang opened 8 years ago

CraigRLang commented 8 years ago

It is currently difficult to test an application feature using the geofencing capabilities, using the simulator. I noted that geofencing events are not triggered by the simulator. I was informed that this has not yet been implemented, and it was requested that I file an enhancement request on this.

Therefore... I would like to request the addition of the capability withing the CodeName One simulator to be able to handle the Geofencing feature.

Specifically, I would like to see the onExit method in the GFListener class triggered if the location in the location simulator is changed from inside to outside the geofence radius.

Similarly, I would like to see the onEntry method in the GFListener class triggered if the location in the location simulator is taken from outside to inside the geofence radius.

bhakav commented 7 years ago

Is there any update on this . I am currently in the same situation